I have JS module which will be used inside react project (CRA).

index.js looks like,

export { EvtScoket } from './socket';

socket.js looks like

import openSocket from 'socket.io-client';

export default class EvtSocket {
  constructor(socketURL) {
    this.socket = openSocket(socketURL);
  joinAsParticipant = () => {
    this.socket.emit('participantJoin', 'session');

  joinAsSpeaker = () => {
    this.socket.emit('speakerJoin', 'lobby');

  subscribeToInitialQuesitons = (cb) => {
    this.socket.on('initialQuestions', (questions) => {
      cb(null, questions);

  subscribeToQuestion = (cb) => {
    this.socket.on('newQuestionGot', (question) => cb(null, question));

  sendQuestion = (question) => {
    this.socket.emit('newQuestionOn', question);

babelrc is like

  "presets": [
        // "targets": {
        //   "esmodules": true
        // },
        "modules": "commonjs"
    // "@babel/preset-react"
  "plugins": [
        "allowTopLevelThis": true

When I transpiled this code and used it React App it gives

TypeError: eventtalk_core___WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.EvtSocket is not a constructor

It's imported and used like

import { EvtSocket } from 'evt-core';

   this.socket = new EvtSocket('xxx');

The initial error was with classProperties that's why I need to setup babel.

If I console.log(EvtScoket) it output undefined

When I import the socket file directly as evt-core/lib/socket it works seems something wrong with export in index.js

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2 Answers2


In your socket.js file, you export your class as a default export.

This means you have to import it like this:

import EvtSocket from './socket.js`

You can find more information about imports from MDN Docs

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    Whilst this is correct, we can assume that the author is importing the file from the `index.js` file that he has listed in his question. In that index file, he is using a named export rather than a default. – tombraider Feb 12 '19 at 10:35

There could be a few reasons here, but it looks like you have a typo in your export:

export { EvtScoket } from './socket'; // typo in "Socket", EvtScoket/EvtSocket

import { EvtSocket } from 'evt-core'; // importing a named export that does not exist

Fix that typo and see if things start working again. A quick test would be to just import the incorrectly typed module, e.g.

import { EvtScoket } from 'evt-core';
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