I'm trying to setup a new application using .NET CORE and Chromely CefGlue.

When I build my app, I'm getting a blank page and logging some errors (see bellow)

I'm using Chromely.CefGlue.Winapi nugget package version 68, setting up my application in Window form and built in 64x.

var startUrl = "https://google.com";

var config = ChromelyConfiguration
    .WithHostSize(1200, 700)
    .UseDefaultResourceSchemeHandler("local", string.Empty)
    .UseDefaultHttpSchemeHandler("http", "chromely.com") 
    .WithCustomSetting(CefSettingKeys.SingleProcess, true);

using (var window = new CefGlueBrowserWindow(config))
    return window.Run(args);

The chromely.cef_new.log file get this errors messages [1226/124833.339:ERROR:browser_gpu_channel_host_factory.cc(119)] Failed to launch GPU process.

[1226/124833.344:ERROR:gpu_process_transport_factory.cc(1026)] Lost UI shared context.

And the created window is totaly blank instead of having google page.


  • Possible duplicate of [ChromeDriver showing Lost UI Shared Context](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49094399/chromedriver-showing-lost-ui-shared-context) – DebanjanB Jan 18 '19 at 22:13

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