I had searched other posts, but what seems to work fine just couldn't work here. I need your advice.

Here is what my document looks like in the database, just one document with a series of tag in it.

I need to just query, the restaurant type which has counter greater than 0, (so the end result will exclude any type with counter 0)

enter image description here

My schema

const tagsSchema = mongoose.Schema({
  _id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
  details: {
    restaurantTypeId: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    restaurantTypes: [{
      _id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
      name: String,
      counter: Number,
    foodTypeId: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    foodTypes: [{
      _id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
      name: String,
      counter: Number,

I have tried

    'details.restaurantTypes.counter': {
        $gt: 0
}, (err, data) => {
    if (err) {

and I got

    "details": {
        "restaurantTypeId": "5c01fb57497a896d50f49877",
        "restaurantTypes": [
                "_id": "5c01fb57497a896d50f49879",
                "name": "Asian",
                "counter": 1
                "_id": "5c01fb57497a896d50f4987a",
                "name": "Bakery",
                "counter": 0
                "_id": "5c01fb57497a896d50f4987b",
                "name": "Barbecue",
                "counter": 0
                "_id": "5c01fb57497a896d50f4987c",
                "name": "Bars & Pubs",
                "counter": 0
                "_id": "5c01fb57497a896d50f4987d",
                "name": "Bistro",
                "counter": 0


    'details.restaurantTypes.counter': {
        $gte: 1
}, (err, data) => {
    if (err) {

which give me the same result

Thomas Kim
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2 Answers2


You can use aggregation pipeline to filter the restaurantTypes

  • $match - filter the restaurant
  • $addFields - to overwrite restaurantTypes and $filter the restaurant types by counter

aggregated pipeline

        {$match: {"_id" : ObjectId("5c2187be640edfe094a3b946")}},
        {$addFields:{"restaurantTypes" : {$filter : {input : "$restaurantTypes", as : "t", cond : {$ne : ["$$t.counter",0]}}}}}
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  • Hi, thanks for replying, I be sure to try that out later, did you find any error in my 'find $gt' method? because that seems like more simpler and straightforward in concept, which I found in mongodb documentations – Thomas Kim Dec 25 '18 at 01:46
  • 1
    You can't do with find, the whole document will be returned if there one match is found in the array so you'll have to use aggregation pipeline with $filter to limit the projection – Saravana Dec 25 '18 at 01:50
  • Oh, so the $gt is only to filter among many documents, and not used in one document right? – Thomas Kim Dec 25 '18 at 01:52
  • Hi Saravana, I just tried your approach, but I still got the same result. I will check out the filtering in one document MongoDB. – Thomas Kim Dec 25 '18 at 02:46

Okay, I found the answer, inspired by Saravana.

here is the answer using aggregate and filter.

        $match: {
            "_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id)
        $project: {
            "details.restaurantTypes": {
                $filter: {
                    input: "$details.restaurantTypes",
                    as: "resType",
                    cond: {
                        $ne: ["$$resType.counter", 0]

this will give me the result

    "_id": "5c01fb57497a896d50f49876",
    "details": {
        "restaurantTypes": [
                "_id": "5c01fb57497a896d50f49879",
                "name": "Asian",
                "counter": 1
                "_id": "5c01fb57497a896d50f498a6",
                "name": "Thai",
                "counter": 1
                "_id": "5c01fb57497a896d50f498a8",
                "name": "Western",
                "counter": 1


Thomas Kim
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