I am triyng to solve a question which requires two strings and there are many test cases. i had written the code for problem considering many testcases. and when i take only one test case the code runs properly but when i enter more than one testcase it gives wrong answers

The code is for the question on hackerearth as below Given two strings, a and b , that may or may not be of the same length, determine the minimum number of character deletions required to make a and b anagrams. Any characters can be deleted from either of the strings.

Input :

test cases,t two strings a and b, for each test case Output:

Desired O/p

Constraints :

string lengths<=10000

Note :

Anagram of a word is formed by rearranging the letters of the word.

For e.g. -> For the word RAM - MAR,ARM,AMR,RMA etc. are few anagrams.

Here is my code in c++:

using namespace std;
int main()
int t;
//cout<<"Enter no of testcases : ";

for(int k=0;k<t;k++)
    string s1;
    string s2;
    //cout<<"Enter first string : ";

    //cout<<"Enter second string : ";

    int c1[26],c2[26];
    for(int itr='a';itr<'z';itr++)
    for(int itr=0;itr<s1.length();itr++)
    for(int itr=0;itr<s2.length();itr++)
    int max=(s1.length()>s2.length()?s1.length():s2.length());
    int analen=0;
    for(int itr='a';itr<'z';itr++)
    //cout<<"length of anagram is: "<<analen<<endl;
    int del=(s1.length()+s2.length())-2*analen;
    cout<</*"Number of characters required to delete to get an anagram is : "<<*/del;
return 0;


Input: 1 abc cde

Ouput: 4

for this above input the code runs perfectly but Input: 2 abc cde pqr rst

Output: 4 3

Correct Output: 4 4

  • 11
  • 1
  • Please don't do `#include`. It's bad practice (along with `using namespace std;`) and on top of that, it's not supported by all implementations. If I copy your code, there's errors everywhere and I would have to go and guess all the headers first before I could try to find what's wrong with it. – Blaze Dec 21 '18 at 15:13
  • @Blaze "along with `using namespace std;`" that depends! Don't put everything into the same basket. – gsamaras Dec 21 '18 at 15:22
  • Just the other day a user here had issues with his code that wouldn't compile and generate weird errors, which were because one of his variables called `count` conflicted with one of the plentiful things in `std`. I can't recommend `using namespace std;` to anyone on the grounds that it is basically setting up a minefield for a benefit that is questionable as best. – Blaze Dec 21 '18 at 15:29

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