I'm need to call function from ForEach in Linq, and I need to send a string parameter and the Index from the ForEach

List<string> listString= new List<string>();

listString.ForEach((str, i) => { Func(str, i) , i++});

private ResponseBase Func(string s,int i)
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3 Answers3


You could try something like this:

var responses = listString.Select((value, index) => Func(value, index)).ToList();

The above for each item in listString would call the method you have defined. The results of all calls would be stored in a list and you could access them by using the corresponding index.

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I'm a big fan of LINQ. Really.

But in this cases, when you are accessing an already existing List, I would go for an old fashioned for loop.

for(var i = 0; i < listString.Count; i++)
    Func(listString[i], i);

It's not longer, it's far more efficient (it's probably not a problem, but let's remember this), and it just gets the job done.

A. Chiesa
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You can introduce a variable and then increment it:

List<String> values = new List<String>();
int indexTracker = 0;
values.ForEach(x=> { Func(x, indexTracker++); });

Or you can write the following extension method:

public static void ForEach<T>(this List<T> input, Action<T, int> action)
    for(int i = 0; i < input.Count; i++)
        action(input[i], i);

and then use it like

values.ForEach((x,i)=> Func(x, i)); 
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