The title of the question does not fully justify what I require. I have a nested document in the form

    "tags": [
            "context": "context_pic_elements",
            "name": "walls",
            "created_at": 1542806972000,
            "tag_id": 48,
            "tagging_id": 1225
            "context": "element",
            "name": "solo",
            "created_at": 1542806972000,
            "tag_id": 47,
            "tagging_id": 1226
            "context": "end_use",
            "name": "home renovation",
            "created_at": 1542806972000,
            "tag_id": 45,
            "tagging_id": 1224
    "name": "Wall patterns",

The document is mapped against

  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "text"
    "tags": {
      "type": "nested",
      "properties": {
        "name": { "type": "keyword" },
        "context": { "type": "keyword" },
        "tag_id": { "type": "integer" }

I want to be able to query an image in the form of

images WHERE
    (tags.context="context_pic_elements" AND tags.name="walls")
    OR (tags.context="element" AND tags.name="solo")

The query I am trying right now is

  "query": {
    "nested" : {
      "path" : "tags",
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "should" : {
            "bool": {
              "must": [
                {"term": {"tags.context": "context_pic_elements"}},
                {"term": {"tags.name": "walls"}}

This allows me to query the first condition of the AND clause. Where do I add the second AND condition (Elastic search does not allow more than one must clause in its query) in the query to allow me to query by both conditions. I looked at elasticsearch bool query combine must with OR, but this is not what I require.

Moiz Mansur
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1 Answers1


Since nested documents are separate documents, you need to do it the other way around, i.e. OR two nested clauses instead of nesting two OR clauses, it goes like this:

POST index/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "should": [
          "nested": {
            "path": "tags",
            "query": {
              "bool": {
                "must": [
                    "term": {
                      "tags.context": "context_pic_elements"
                    "term": {
                      "tags.name": "walls"
          "nested": {
            "path": "tags",
            "query": {
              "bool": {
                "must": [
                    "term": {
                      "tags.context": "element"
                    "term": {
                      "tags.name": "solo"
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