I am trying to change the link with anchor text 'Prev' green, but when I use the ID attribute, the link stays blue

#page a {color: blue;}
a {color: green;}

I realize I can do the following, but let's say I can't prepend with #page since I won't know the ID name:

#page a.prev { color: green; }

I have tried the follow to no avail:

.nav-links > a { color: green; }


.nav-links > a.prev { color: green; }

The CSS prev link is always overridden to blue. How can I change to green?


<div id="page">
  <nav class="navigation pagination" role="navigation">
    <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Posts navigation</h2>
    <div class="nav-links">
      <a class="prev page-numbers" href="#">Prev</a>
      <a class='page-numbers' href='#'>1</a>
      <span aria-current='page' class='page-numbers current'>2</span>
  • 183
  • 2
  • 7

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