this is my gulpfile.js

const gulp = require('gulp');
gulp.task('default', function () {

I write gulp in my terminal and response is..

[19:47:02] Using gulpfile D:\DEV64\LearningJS\gulpfile.js

[19:47:02] Starting 'default'...

[19:47:02] The following tasks did not complete: default

[19:47:02] Did you forget to signal async completion?

what can i do?

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  • have you tried logging to the console inside the task, just to see if it is being called? `console.log("Something")` – simonlchilds Dec 11 '18 at 12:14

2 Answers2


In Gulp 3.x you didn't need to signal completion. But from Gulp 4.x you need to do that.

Gulp automatically passes a callback function to your task as its first argument. Simple way in your case would be calling the callback.

gulp.task('default', function(done) {

For more information You can check this question out: Gulp error: The following tasks did not complete: Did you forget to signal async completion?

Aritra Chakraborty
  • 9,464
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This works nicely for me.

gulp.task('default', async  function(){
  console.log("This is default task!");

You can also try this one.

gulp.task('default', async ()=>
 console.log('This is default task!')
Mobarak Ali
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