
I have two quick questions.

The first is, navigation from screen to screen (or maybe view to view). I know that there is navigation controller but it has a slide animation and im really looking for that flip animation that the iphone has. Does anyone know what control to use or direct me to a good site about navigations.

The second question is about inheritance, I am current designing an app that will have a base format of a title bar that will appear on all screens and a few other components. So basically wondering how i should be going about this? example/website tips would be helpful basically not sure if its best to use windows or views.

I am currently new to monotouch normally develop using C# and Java. Many thanks for any help given.

Teo Klestrup Röijezon
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1 Answers1


You can use the UINavigationController and have it perform other animations to navigate among different controllers. Here is an example, but in Objctive-C:

How to change the Push and Pop animations in a navigation based app

As far as your second question, you can create a base object that inherits from UIViewController and derive from it, but it is a little bit more complicated than inheriting simple objects. You have to learn some basics about how UIViewControllers and Interface Builder work.

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Dimitris Tavlikos
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