My skill with functions in R is limited and I want to automate a relatively simple workflow with a function or loop and I'm having difficulty. I want to take a df:

User        WorkItem  WorkDate     HoursWorked
Smith       A         11/1/18      7
Smith       B         11/1/18      1
Jones       C         11/1/18      8
Jones       C         11/2/18      8
Walker      A         11/1/18      4
Walker      B         11/3/18      6

And have a function/loop that creates new dfs with all records based on the unique values in $User, so in the example 3 dfs with 2 records each, sorted by #WorkDate. I used splitto break the df into tibbles contained in a list (3 in the example), but having trouble turning the tibbles into dfs without calling individually, like tibble1 <- splitdf[[1]]

Joe Hafer
  • 11
  • 2

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