I'm pretty new to c#, I want to make a program that alerts me if I prefixed window sound volume become too high, for example, I have Spotify running in the background suddenly a high pitch sound then i get an alert, is this possible to do for in a low-level way that I can understand?

I already tried, an open source code that uses cscore, I did make some advancement but its way to advance for me to even keep going with that, this is where the source code I use:

Getting individual windows application current volume output level as visualized in audio Mixer

I made it, so it sends a message box with the window name that went to high on sound, but it only worked 1 time after the first time I didn't get any more message boxes, if I could just make it so it keeps sending message boxes would be perfect for me

I downloaded the source code of the program linked here, it's at the bottom of the link

I changed

var value = audioMeterInformation.GetPeakValue();

to something like 0.9

and added a messagebox around here:

 using (var audioMeterInformation = session.QueryInterface<AudioMeterInformation>()) {
                                        var value = audioMeterInformation.GetPeakValue();
                                        if (value != 0) {
                                            if (process != null) {
                                                List<double> samples;
                                                if (!sessionIdToAudioSamples.TryGetValue(sessionid, out samples)) {
                                                    samples = new List<double>();
                                                    sessionIdToAudioSamples[sessionid] = samples;
                                                    if(process.MainWindowTitle == "NAME OF MY WINDOW")
                                                var val = audioMeterInformation.GetPeakValue();

I'm getting the message box, but just 1 time, if the high volume sound happens again it won't show the message box again, it just happens once per window.

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