I am trying to extract the data from the Web Service WSDL Url. When I am trying to hit that URL I am getting an XML page. After doing some research, I have managed to add Service References in Visual Studio 2015. For checking the data I have created the web Form and wrote the following lines of codes.

On btn_click function, I have added:

FM2CRM.RequestInfo connect = new FM2CRM.RequestInfo();
FM2CRM.FMInteractWebServiceClient getdata= new FM2CRM.FMInteractWebServiceClient();

URL: https://dovevivo.fmshosted.com/TST_FMIWebservices/FMInteractWebService.svc?wsdl

But how I have to call the function? I am not getting it.

I am very new to C#.

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  • Use svc util to generate C# client code from wsdl https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wcf/servicemodel-metadata-utility-tool-svcutil-exe – Access Denied Oct 11 '18 at 05:09
  • Have a look at this.. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4791794/client-to-send-soap-request-and-received-response – Khalid Shah Oct 11 '18 at 05:09
  • See the following article how to use generated by Add service reference code https://philmunro.wordpress.com/2012/01/03/generating-wcf-service-proxy-classes-using-svcutil/ – Access Denied Oct 11 '18 at 05:13
  • What is the problem to call getdata.YourMethodName(); Your service url cannot be reached. – Access Denied Oct 11 '18 at 05:18
  • Just open FM2CRM.FMInteractWebServiceClient (press F12 on this class) and see which methods are available. – Access Denied Oct 11 '18 at 05:21

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