I need to create a http post request without waiting for a response in either Java or JavaScript. Async http calls is not what Iā€™m looking for as it still waits for a response, just on a separate thread.

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3 Answers3


It looks like this post might help you.

Depending on what client you are using, you should be able to just invoke the post method(). I could be wrong but I believe adding the .then() is what makes it asynchronous.

Sending HTTP POST Request In Java


Yes, it is possible if you create your own connection send whatever you need and just kill the connection after. The answer by Alan Geleynse from Java - sending HTTP parameters via POST method easily does that.

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yes, it possible,
i was done it before when i working with laravel and i need lots of webhook send to merchans. before i write login waiting for response but it's take more time then i google and find the solution. here is example.

function postCurlRequest(string $url, array $post_array, $check_ssl=true) {
    // $url = 'https://post_url.com';
    $cmd = "curl -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'";
    $cmd.= " -d '" . json_encode($post_array) . "' '" . $url . "'";

    if (!$check_ssl){
      $cmd.= "'  --insecure"; // this can speed things up, though it's not secure
    $cmd .= " > /dev/null 2>&1 &"; // don't wait for response

    // echo $cmd;die;

    exec($cmd, $output, $exit);
   return $exit == 0;
Harsukh Makwana
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