I've followed Capturing Photos with Depth and went through every suggestion in the similar question, however, I'm not able to get any depth data from my custom camera. Here's my latest edit on the code, do you have any idea about this issue?

when I tap the camera button, I get:

libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

I've reviewed the solutions for that too. They're mostly related to the segue, but I double checked this part of code and storyboard and it seems fine. (I didn't have any issue before adding depth to the code!)

class CameraViewController : UIViewController {
  @IBOutlet weak var cameraButton: UIButton!

  var captureSession = AVCaptureSession()
  var captureDevice: AVCaptureDevice?
  var photoOutput: AVCapturePhotoOutput?
  var cameraPreviewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer?

  var image: UIImage?

  var depthDataMap: CVPixelBuffer?
  var depthData: AVDepthData?

  override func viewDidLoad() {


  func setupDevice() {
    self.captureDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInDualCamera, for: .video, position: .back)

  func setupIO() {
    guard let captureInputDevice = try? AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: self.captureDevice!),
      else { fatalError("Can't add video input.") }

    self.photoOutput = AVCapturePhotoOutput()
    self.photoOutput!.isDepthDataDeliveryEnabled = photoOutput!.isDepthDataDeliverySupported
    guard self.captureSession.canAddOutput(photoOutput!)
      else { fatalError("Can't add photo output.") }
    self.captureSession.sessionPreset = .photo

  func setupPreviewLayer() {
    self.cameraPreviewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: self.captureSession)
    self.cameraPreviewLayer?.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravity.resizeAspectFill
    self.cameraPreviewLayer?.connection?.videoOrientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientation.portrait
    self.cameraPreviewLayer?.frame = self.view.frame
    self.view.layer.insertSublayer(self.cameraPreviewLayer!, at: 0)             
  func startRunningCaptureSession() {

  @IBAction func cameraButtonDidTap(_ sender: Any) {    
    let setting = AVCapturePhotoSettings(format: [AVVideoCodecKey: AVVideoCodecType.hevc])
    setting.isDepthDataDeliveryEnabled = self.photoOutput!.isDepthDataDeliverySupported
    self.photoOutput?.capturePhoto(with: setting, delegate: self)

  override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    if segue.identifier == "showPhoto" {
      let nav = segue.destination as! UINavigationController
      let previewVC = nav.topViewController as! PhotoViewController

      previewVC.image = self.image
      previewVC.depthData = self.depthData
      previewVC.depthDataMap = self.depthDataMap

extension CameraViewController: AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate{
  func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: Error?) {
    if let imageData = photo.fileDataRepresentation() {
      image = UIImage(data: imageData)
      let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithData(imageData as CFData, nil)
      let auxiliaryData = CGImageSourceCopyAuxiliaryDataInfoAtIndex(imageSource!, 0, kCGImageAuxiliaryDataTypeDisparity) as? [AnyHashable: Any]

      let depthData = try? AVDepthData(fromDictionaryRepresentation: auxiliaryData!)
      self.depthDataMap = depthData?.depthDataMap

      self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "showPhoto", sender: self)
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1 Answers1


This is the problem with my code:

DepthDataDelivery won't be supported unless the photo output is added to a session and the input to the session is properly configured to deliver depth.

  1. Set the session preset first:

    self.captureSession.sessionPreset = .photo

  2. After adding dual camera input, add the photo output.

    guard self.captureSession.canAddOutput(photoOutput!)

  3. Now set depth delivery enabled:

    self.photoOutput!.isDepthDataDeliveryEnabled = photoOutput!.isDepthDataDeliverySupported

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