I have problem with tinymce in symfony 1.4 prod. Any Iframe give me a blank windows with error: "SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "[url]" from accessing a cross-origin frame."

But on dev works fine !!!

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1 Answers1


Based on your description it appears as if you or a script is trying to interact with a resource from a different origin. My guess is that you are using different protocols (e.g. https) on the production and development environments. Take a look at this page about Same-origin policy for more detailed information.

Related questions have been asked and answered before on StackOverflow:

Also, it is recommended to upgrade your Symfony installation to a version that is maintained. Symfony 1.4 has not received bug or security fixes for multiple years now. SensioLabs has even shut down the Symfony 1 infrastructure (SVN and plugins) last February.

  • I found solution: clients are loging to app from different subdomains (and start iframe from it) but script is starting from main domain. I chcange code and now load js script from client subdomain and that is the trick. Yes i know symfony 1,4 is very old but it is not main app. – Michal Sep 27 '18 at 20:50