I have multiple accounts in git I committed code three weeks back with this account. I'll unable to pull my code . I was getting The requested URL returned error: 403 I'll try Pushing to Git returning Error Code 403 fatal: HTTP request failed but I couldn't solved my error

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false fetch origin
remote: Forbidden
fatal: unable to access 
'https://chantidurgam@bitbucket.org/chantidurgam/patanjali.git/': The requested 
URL returned error: 403

Completed with errors, see above.

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    [Credential Manager](https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5Bgit%5D+credential+manager)? – phd Sep 27 '18 at 11:52
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    I have noticed that bitbucket sometimes takes up to 10 minutes before a newly added user to a repositiory can "pull", although it is already visible from the web interface. I'd advise anybody running into an unexpected 403 to give it some time before taking other steps. – Hugo Delsing Jul 19 '19 at 10:03

10 Answers10


What needs to be checked before anything else is the access level, which should be set to write. This can happen if you were added to the repo by someone else, and they forgot to grant you the required permissions.

enter image description here

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    thx @armin, I was struggling for an hour, even I have changed my password as sometimes it was saying that my password is wrong. +1 for saving my day. – Ravi Vaniya Sep 29 '20 at 16:26

I had the same issue when using the git cli and sourcetree - and doing the below solved it.

This is basically an auth issue and git had stored my creds for both bitbucket and github. All I had to do was delete those saved entries using sourcetree.

I am using SourceTree, so went to Tools -> Options -> Authentication

and under git saved passwords, I deleted them all.

This post can lead to other ways of doing the same as well.

Remove credentials from Git

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Here's how I solved mine.

  1. Go to bitbucket and open the repository.
  2. At the top right corner is a "clone button" Bitbucket clone button

  3. Click the button and copy the url. It will look something like this: git clone https://something@bitbucket.org/something/something.git

  4. Open your terminal for and type the following

git remote remove origin
git remote add origin https://something@bitbucket.org/something/something.git

Then just do git push. Note: Git may prompt you to do this.

git push --set-upstream origin master

Do it. I did and mine works now.

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git config --global --unset credential.helper

The above code worked for me. As @Kunal said, I think a reason I had this issue was as a result of saving my credentials a while back and this causing an auth issue now. I hope the code works, this stumped me for over an hour.

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Reset the git credentials: If its ubuntu system:

Unset the username and password

git config --global --unset credential.helper
git config --unset credential.helper

Open the .git-crendentials and remove existing username and password

vim ~/.git-credentials

https://username:password@mygit.github.com to https://mygit.github.com

Store git credentials again:

git config --global credential.helper store
git pull

If it is windows:

Go to Control Panel\User Accounts\Credential Manager In under Generic Credentials, You can see the stored git passwords and remove it. enter image description here


For me this turned out to be a problem with 2-factor authentication between my Linux client and the Bitbucket website. When I went to do a pull from my server I got asked for my User:Pass and upon entering that correctly it gave me a The requested URL returned error: 403. I removed the 2-factor from Bitbucket and everything started working again.

Yevgeny Simkin
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For my case, this sourcetree specific issue is fixed by changing the ssh client as OpenSSH as I was having the key at C:\Users\username\ .ssh\id_rsa

You can change it at Tools -> Options -> General tab -> SSH client configuration

Note: For Putty or Plink, the key should be at C:\Users\username\ .ssh\id_rsa.ppk

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First try:

  1. delete any existing ssh key (/.ssh/id_rsa).
  2. ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com" #generation of new ssh key Email github wali.
  3. after ssh key generation.
  4. eval $(ssh-agent -s) To start ssh agent
  5. ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  6. clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub paste this into the ssh key section of github. Now pushing git

git init git add . git commit -m "" git status To check for the files. git remote add origin "url of the repo" This step only for the first time. git push -u origin master This is used for the initial push. Otherwise use git push. If still not working---- go to credential manager then windows credential and delete personel access token of github.


Hi if you have problem when you want to push your project in your git hub account and final error was 403-fatal-http-request-failed you sign in another account in your PC you must deleted that for this you must follow this address: ⇒ Control Panel\User Accounts\Credential Manager and remove past account in github this address is useful for Windows system


In your Bitbucket.org account, go into Repository menu > User and group access and change the permissions of your user to WRITE or ADMIN. Then try again in your git!

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