
I have a given filename template stored in a String variable, for example: "fileno####save.txt"

I have a number between 1-9999 stored in an int variable.

If my number is 2, I'd like to get: "fileno0002save.txt"

If my number is 23, I'd like to get: "fileno0023save.txt"

If my number is 121, I'd like to get: "fileno0121save.txt"

If my number is 2021, I'd like to get: "fileno2021save.txt"

Let's see it with a little bit different template: "######fileno.txt"

If my number is 2, I'd like to get: "000002fileno.txt"

If my number is 23, I'd like to get: "000023fileno.txt"

If my number is 121, I'd like to get: "000121fileno.txt"

If my number is 2021, I'd like to get: "002021fileno.txt"

The length of the int number will never get any bigger than the length of the hashtags so we don't have to deal with that as I have already wrote an exception for that. The length of the hashtag part in the string that I have to deal with is between 2-10 characters.

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  • Have you tried anything? Your algorithm should look something like this: 1. find the max number of consecutive hashtags (#) in a string {`MAX_HASH`} 2. left pad the number to match {`MAX_HASH`} length - {`PADDED_NUMBER`}. 3. replace {`MAX_HASH`} hashtags with {`PADDED_NUMBER`} – Plirkee Sep 24 '18 at 10:18
  • I already have the method for calculating the consecutive hashtags but I don't know how to do the padding, I can use only the standard java libraries. – sasieightynine Sep 24 '18 at 10:21
  • There are alraedy Q&A on padding https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469717/left-padding-a-string-with-zeros – jschnasse Sep 24 '18 at 10:35

4 Answers4


For padding you could use something like this:

int maxHashes=10;
int myInt = 11;
String lpadPadStr = String.format("%1$" + maxHashes + "s", myInt).replace(' ', '0');
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the below example is runnable; adapt it to your needs, for example by separating the 'read the template' and 'apply the template' steps.

import java.util.regex.*;

class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Pattern HASHES = Pattern.compile("^(.*?)(#+)(.*)$");

        // read the template
        String pattern = "abc####foo.txt";

        Matcher m = HASHES.matcher(pattern);
        if (!m.matches()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid template");
        int len = m.group(2).length();
        String prefix = m.group(1);
        String suffix = m.group(3);

        // apply the template
        int input = 12;

        String f = prefix + String.format("%0" + len + "d", input) + suffix;
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I think using a regular expression (RegEx) to find the arbitrary(?) number of hashtags would be the best option. You can split up the text by using groups and put in your number instead.

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You can do something like this:

String format = "fileno####save.txt";
int num = 2;

int numberOfHash = format.length() - format.replace("#", "").length();

String hashes = format.substring(format.indexOf("#"), format.indexOf("#") + numberOfHash);

String paddedString = String.format(format.replace(hashes, "%0" + numberOfHash + "d"), num);

System.out.println(paddedString); // fileno0002save.txt
Mushif Ali Nawaz
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