When I want to distribute my .ipa file, I'm getting "code signing failed" error.

After I updated my Xcode version to 10.0, this problem occured. Is there anyone that had this problem before ?

enter image description here

The distribution standard log:

  code = 330;
        description = "Failed to resolve linkage dependency SwiftKeychainWrapper x86_64 -> @rpath/libswiftUIKit.dylib: Unknown arch x86_64";
        info =             {
        level = WARN;
        code = 306;
        description = "Failed to resolve rpath for SwiftKeychainWrapper: Could not resolve @executable_path for @executable_path/Frameworks from SwiftKeychainWrapper";
        info =             {
        level = WARN;
        code = 0;
        description = "Failed to verify bitcode in SwiftKeychainWrapper.framework/SwiftKeychainWrapper:\nerror: Cannot extract bundle from /var/folders/tm/1dmb5cd92zx5txhhfz_5jbpm0000gn/T/IDEDistributionOptionThinning.TZW/Payload/MyApp.app/Frameworks/SwiftKeychainWrapper.framework/SwiftKeychainWrapper (i386)\n\n";
        info =             {
        level = ERROR;
        type = "malformed-payload";


The distribution pipeline log:

XcodeDistPipeline.dIk/Root/Payload/MyApp.app/Frameworks/SwiftKeychainWrapper.framework: code object is not signed at all
2018-09-22 20:40:14 +0000  /usr/bin/codesign exited with 1


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  • got any solution? – abhimuralidharan Oct 22 '18 at 14:09
  • I solved with this script. : https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/issues/13401 @abhi1992 – tugcekolcu Dec 06 '18 at 13:42
  • Alternatively, you can add SwiftKeychainWrapper.framework to only Linked Frameworks and Libraries instead of Embedded Binaries. Also, you should add this script in Build Phases if you are using carthage. $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/SwiftKeychainWrapper.framework – tugcekolcu Dec 11 '18 at 07:18

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