Hello i am facing a problem of redirection.

i have a API which will call when i click on image and it will take user contact number and dial a call from software.

All things are working perfect but issue is that, API redirecting to an other page which i do not want.

I want to show only message of calling, but focus should remain on same page.

Here is my xhtml code:

Cell No.
                                            <h:outputText value="#{informationManagerBean.cust.cellNo}" styleClass="textColorChange"/>
                                            Direct Dial

                                            <h:outputLink style="margin: 25px" id="tool_dial"  onclick="PF('callDialog').show();
                                                        return true;
                                                    }" value="http://199.199.333.94/calling.php" >
                                                <img src="Resources/images/dialer.png" alt="NR Letter" align="top" style="margin: 25px"/>
                                                <f:param name="cli"  value="#{informationManagerBean.cust.cellNo}"  />
                                                <f:param name="userid"  value="000001"  />
                                            <p:dialog id="callDialog1" onShow="myFunction();" onHide="myStopFunction();"  header="Calling..."
                                                      width="200px" widgetVar="callDialog"
                                                      position="center" draggable="true" resizable="false" closable="false"
                                                      closeOnEscape="true" appendTo="@(body)" modal="true">


here is java Script:

        var myVar;

        function myFunction()
            myVar = setTimeout(function() {
            }, 3000);

        function myStopFunction()



2 Answers2


The h:outputLink is supposed to redirect to another uri. I would suggest you call the REST api on http://199.199.333.94/calling.php from a managed bean to which you can refer via p:commandLink or p:commandButton. The ajax calls will prevent redirection to the api's uri.


See the following for examples on making http calls from java How to use java.net.URLConnection to fire and handle HTTP requests

Primefaces commandLink https://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/button/commandLink.xhtml

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with such a function you can trigger your dialer out of your bean

public int doCall(String cli, String userid) {
  HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("http://199.199.333.94/calling.php?cli="+cli+"&userid="+userid).openConnection();
  int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode();
  return responseCode;
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