So I have this code that POST a JSON data to my REST API using c#

        tempquantityofmenu = entQuantity.Text;
        CustList custo = new CustList();

        CustomerOrder custo1 = new CustomerOrder()
              menu_name = tempnameofmenu,
              menu_quantity = tempquantityofmenu,
              menu_code = tempcodeofmenu


        await Navigation.PushAsync(new OrdernowCategory());
        catch(Exception ex)
            DisplayAlert("error", ex.ToString(), "OK");

Then I am getting this System.NullReferenceExeption: Object Reference not set to an instance of an object

public class CustomerOrder
    public string menu_name { get; set; }
    public string menu_quantity { get; set; }
    public string menu_code { get; set; }

public class CustList
    public List<CustomerOrder> CUSTOMER_ORDER { get; set; }

I think my problem here is that when adding a item to the CUSTOMER_ORDER inside the try catch is not working

Abdul Kawee
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2 Answers2


You can either

public class CustList
    public List<CustomerOrder> CUSTOMER_ORDER { get; set; } = new List<CustomerOrder>();


public class CustList
    public List<CustomerOrder> CUSTOMER_ORDER { get; set; } 

    public CustList()
        CUSTOMER_ORDER = new List<CustomerOrder>();


custo.CUSTOMER_ORDER = new List<CustomerOrder>();

And for the love of all things neat and tidy in this world, don't name your variables/properties/or andything with capitals and underscores

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Because you didn't create an instance for CUSTOMER_ORDER property, CUSTOMER_ORDER is reference types, which have null values by default.

If you want to solve it you can give CUSTOMER_ORDER an instance collection like this.

CustList custo = new CustList() { 
     CUSTOMER_ORDER = new List<CustomerOrder>() 
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