For my thesis work I was suggested to use a related code made in year 2000 on Matlab; when transcribing it I found the next syntax for some if loops:

if \ min(x)>= 0

However it is not valid anymore for recent software's versions. I did some search on Google but using "\" is pretty ambiguous and found nothing out of conditionals. Do you know what does it stand for?

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    That syntax would have to be older than 2000. I started using it in 1996 and don't remember any use of "\" other than [matrix left division](https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/mldivide.html). Are you sure it isn't just a typo that went undiscovered until now? – gnovice Aug 30 '18 at 18:01
  • @gnovice Completely sure, they used the code to give basis to a thesis work from that year. Fortunately I work with the researcher who supervised it then, maybe it'll be better to ask him directly and then write down the answer here. – Julio Aug 30 '18 at 18:14
  • What are you using to view/edit the code? Was it put through any kind of conversions, like a translation from another language? – gnovice Aug 30 '18 at 18:23
  • If it's pure MATLAB from 2000, as you say, get a copy of MATLAB from that year and run the code to see what it does. My money's on it being a syntax error – Adriaan Aug 30 '18 at 18:50
  • Have you tried asking on the Mathworks site? – nekomatic Sep 04 '18 at 08:38
  • Sorry for the late response: effectively, it was only a sintax mistake. – Julio Sep 06 '18 at 20:06

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