I use braintree.dropin , to create front-end for credit card form.

payment_method.html (I masked out authorization value with ???)

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <script src="https://js.braintreegateway.com/web/dropin/1.12.0/js/dropin.min.js"></script>
  <div id="dropin-container"></div>
  <button id="submit-button">Request payment method</button>

    // https://stackoverflow.com/a/133997/72437
    function post(path, params, method) {
      method = method || "post"; // Set method to post by default if not specified.

      // The rest of this code assumes you are not using a library.
      // It can be made less wordy if you use one.
      var form = document.createElement("form");
      form.setAttribute("method", method);
      form.setAttribute("action", path);

      for (var key in params) {
          if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
              var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
              hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
              hiddenField.setAttribute("name", key);
              hiddenField.setAttribute("value", params[key]);



    var button = document.querySelector('#submit-button');

      authorization: '???',
      container: '#dropin-container'
    }, function (createErr, instance) {
      button.addEventListener('click', function () {
        instance.requestPaymentMethod(function (err, payload) {
              'csrfmiddlewaretoken': 'lDqtKKosE9yBGtKmFv4BSBvDCGEX1WPsY0JOy0XlZC5Vnc6zR5BQmuCzkhzeS1PJ',
              'subscription_plan': 2,
              'payload_nonce': payload.nonce

However, I'm getting this warning message, after submitting credit card information.

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://origin-analytics-sand.sandbox.braintree-api.com/cn2rcqfn435vtj63. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).

enter image description here

Although the whole process works fine (I manage to make payment without problem), I afraid perhaps I should fix warning, to avoid any security loop hole. It is caused by post function called.

However, I have no idea what is the reason for such warning, and how I should fix it.

As, my page's domain is localhost, and I'm performing POST back to localhost domain. I thought this is not cross domain issue? Where does the https://origin-analytics-sand.sandbox.braintree-api.com/cn2rcqfn435vtj63 warning comes from then?

Any idea?

What I had tested

If I perform post function called, outside instance.requestPaymentMethod's callback function scope, cross-origin warning will not occur. Of course, I can't do that because I need payload.nonce from instance.requestPaymentMethod's callback function.

Cheok Yan Cheng
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