I use an embedded V8 engine in my (Windows Desktop) C++ application. I understand that V8 has support for ES6 modules. How would I go about activating and using this feature in my application?

I would not expect anyone to have a complete worked example of how this works, but a high level answer pointing me (and future readers) in the right direction would entirely fulfil my hopes and aspirations for this question.

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    You tried some es6 features and they're not working? How are you embedding the V8 engine? – Anas Aug 26 '18 at 04:51
  • I've not tried just enabling the features @Anas, it seems that, once enabled, there must be some configuration for me to complete before it actually works. How else would V8 know where to look on my filesystem for a file? If I use the following JS code, for example: `import {x} from "./y.js";` I don't think V8 would know where to look for `y.js`. – Boinst Aug 26 '18 at 05:08
  • @Anas RE "how are you embedding", I think I'm embedding in a pretty standard way. Everything I do is consistent with [the "Embedder's Guide"](https://github.com/v8/v8/wiki/Embedder%27s-Guide). – Boinst Aug 26 '18 at 05:10
  • I found it very helpful (given the lack of documentation) to discover that V8's implementation for modules hews awfully close to the literal text/language of the spec. https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/#sec-source-text-module-records – Ron Burk May 25 '20 at 02:40

1 Answers1


In leiu of actual examples from V8 (I was actually planning to write some at some point), I will write one here. For some examples of use in the wild I recommend Node.js's implementation, or my own, both using very similar layouts (having been written by the same people). There is also an implementation in D8, V8's CLI debugger.

Local<String> source_text = String::NewFromUtf8(
    isolate, "import 'some thing'; 1 + 1");

ScriptOrigin origin(String::NewFromUtf8("main.mjs"),      // specifier
                    Integer::New(isolate, 0),             // line offset
                    Integer::New(isolate, 0),             // column offset
                    False(isolate),                       // is cross origin
                    Local<Integer>(),                     // script id
                    Local<Value>(),                       // source map URL
                    False(isolate),                       // is opaque
                    False(isolate),                       // is WASM
                    True(isolate));                       // is ES6 module
Context::Scope context_scope(context);
ScriptCompiler::Source source(source_text, origin);
Local<Module> module;
if (!ScriptCompiler::CompileModule(isolate, &source).ToLocal(&module)) {
  // if you have a v8::TryCatch, you should check it here.

// You can resolve import requests ahead of time (useful for async)
for (int i = 0; i < module->GetModuleRequestsLength(); i++) {
  Local<String> specifier = module->GetModuleRequest(i); // "some thing"

// or you can resolve them sync in the InstantiateModule callback
module->InstantiateModule(context, [](Local<Context> context, // "main.mjs"
                                      Local<String> specifier, // "some thing"
                                      Local<Module> referrer) {
  return Local<Module>();

// setting this callback enables dynamic import
isolate->SetImportModuleDynamicallyCallback([](Local<Context> context,
                                               Local<ScriptOrModule> referrer,
                                               Local<String> specifier) {
  return MaybeLocal<Promise>();

// setting this callback enables import.meta
isolate->SetHostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback([](Local<Context> context,
                                                      Local<Module> module,
                                                      Local<Object> meta) {
  // meta->Set(key, value); you could set import.meta.url here

Local<Value> result;
if (module->Evaluate(context).ToLocal(&result)) {
  String::Utf8Value utf8(isolate, result);
  printf("module eval result: %s\n", *utf8);
} else {
  // once again, if you have a v8::TryCatch, use it here.
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  • How would you extend your example to support several modules that import from and export to each other? There would also be one main entry point module of course. – synchronizer Dec 31 '19 at 15:49
  • @synchronizer you'd return the requested modules from InstantiateModule. – snek Jan 01 '20 at 21:59
  • You don't simply load an array of files at the same time, or something along those lines? Do you mean that I need to figure out the dependencies myself? – synchronizer Jan 01 '20 at 22:05
  • @synchronizer mapping specifiers to modules is left entirely to the host. You're responsible to decide how you resolve import requests, where the source is loaded from, etc. – snek Jan 02 '20 at 02:30
  • @snek I'm not sure I understand why the script should be compiled as Module if the semantics should be different? – user64204 Jul 12 '20 at 14:45
  • @user64204 I don't understand what you're asking. – snek Jul 13 '20 at 15:34
  • @snek looking at v8 interface for module loading. It seems like any script that uses `import` is a module. I.e. it should execute once per isolate run-time. Now I'm trying to understand how the "compile once, run many times" paradigm works in a new module-based world. And it looks like, it just doesn't work at all. You cannot compile a sync function that uses a library anymore. The whole spec is unusable in an embedder's world... – user64204 Jul 15 '20 at 07:24
  • @user64204 the embedder explicitly chooses whether a given source text is a script or a module. See the ScriptCompiler::CompileModule() call in my example code? if I wanted to run a script I would use ScriptCompiler::Compile() instead. – snek Jul 16 '20 at 13:02
  • @snek yup, but `import` cannot be used in a script. Which means either everything is a module (runs a single time, suited for long running process, like server), or you need to stick with `require()`, or use `import()` which is just an ugly async-only alias to require... – user64204 Jul 17 '20 at 15:14