I'm trying to rewrite a model from caffe to tensorflow. To make sure I did not make mistake, I count the macc and Flops and then I find this interesting thing:

For example, when input a image 112x112x3, and conv2d it with 32 3x3 kernel, stride=1, the macc in Caffe is 2.71M, while the FLOPs computed in tensorflow is 5. 42M.

I wonder why this 2x difference happen?

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2 Answers2


One MACC contains one multiplication and one addition. One multiplication or one addition can be seen as one FLOP. So one MACC has two FLOPS.

Kathy Lee
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i am not expert in this but FLOPS mean every floating point operation and not just multiplies or accumulates. There would be more FLOPS performed than MACS performed.

also i have read somewhere that If the MACs are for floating point performance and the loop overheads and memory bandwidths are identical for the two measurements, then usually 1 floating-point Multiply-Accumulate is considered equivalent to 2 FLOPs. One for the multipy and Second for addition in accumulator.

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