I have a JSON file that I want to upload to Server through a Multipart request. In this process, I need to determine the MIME type of the file. I have used the following method to determine the MIME type:


For an extension of ".json", it returns a null, i.e, json is not registered with any application type.

How can I get the MIME type of a JSON file? Above API is in the most upvoted answer on another SO post to get the MIME type of a file. Is there any API to obtain the same correctly?

Manish Kumar Sharma
  • 11,112
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2 Answers2


This might be too late for you, but perhaps for future reference:

The MIME media type of JSON is application/json, as mentioned in this very popular answer.

Since you know and expect your files to be .json, you can hardcode the MIME type as `application/json.

An example in Kotlin from the Android docs:

private val READ_REQUEST_CODE: Int = 42

private fun performFileSearch() {
    val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT).apply {

        type = "application/json" // MIME media type

    startActivityForResult(intent, READ_REQUEST_CODE)

If you have Apache make sure this line is in .htaccess.

AddType application/json .json

If IIS make sure that the MIME type for *.json is application/json.