I have new empty public project in GitHub and i can't clone it. I installed new IntelliJ 2018 version and there's no GitHub option in File->New->Project From Version Control. So i've chosen Git option and added URL but it throws Repository test failed unable to access: error setting certificate verify locations error when i press Test button. The thing is i have IntelliJ 2017 in my second notebook and there IS GitHub option in File->New->Project From Version Control and i could clone the project there. Any ideas?

1 Answers1


That error message usually comes with a path pointing to the outdated certificate bundle file (as seen here).

Try and install the latest Git, and relaunch IntelliJ.

That or use the SSH URL of your GitHub repo as a workaround.

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  • Yes. It helped. Thanks! – Mukhamedali Zhadigerov Aug 08 '18 at 05:09
  • @MukhamedaliZhadigerov What did you use? SSH URL? Or a new Git? What OS are you using? – VonC Aug 08 '18 at 07:30
  • new Git.And i'm using Windows 10. Actually i already had the lattest version so i uninstalled and downloaded the same version again. One more thing is: initially i downloaded git to C:/Program Files/Git. But then i moved it to C:/Git/. Maybe IntelliJ is indexing location of Git or smth (but of cource i changed location of git.exe in IntelliJ properties after i move). But this time i downloaded Git straight to C:/Git/ and now everything works fine. – Mukhamedali Zhadigerov Aug 08 '18 at 08:10
  • @MukhamedaliZhadigerov Well done! Referencing explicitly your version of Git is a good idea. But do you see a GitHub option now? – VonC Aug 08 '18 at 08:11
  • No, GitHub option is still not there. I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.1 – Mukhamedali Zhadigerov Aug 08 '18 at 08:13
  • @MukhamedaliZhadigerov OK, maybe a plugin issue. – VonC Aug 08 '18 at 08:14