I am trying to create an abstract class (Shape), and three subclasses (Square, Circle, Triangle), each having no fields and one void method -- "drawShape" -- that draws each shape in asterisks. I am then supposed to, in my main method, create an array of each Shape subclass object and loop through to call their drawShape methods. Unfortunately, I keep getting the error: File: C:\Users\Robert\Demo.java [line: 13] Error: Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)

My question is how can I create these Shape objects and also how can I implement a loop to call their drawShape methods in an array of these objects.

public abstract class Shape
  public abstract void drawShape();

public class Square extends Shape
  public void drawShape()
    System.out.println("****\n" + "*  *\n*  *\n****");

public class Circle extends Shape
  public void drawShape()
    System.out.println("   " + "*" + "\n  " + "* *" + "\n " + 
                       "*   *" + "\n  " + "* *" + "\n   " + "*");

public class Triangle extends Shape
  public void drawShape()
    System.out.println("   " + "*" + "   " +
                       "\n  " + "* *" + "  " + 
                       "\n " + "***" + " ");

public class Demo
  public static void main(String[] args)
    Triangle triangle = new Triangle();
    Circle circle = new Circle();
    Square square = new Square();
    Shape[] shapes = new Shape{triangle, circle, square};
    //How can I properly create this array^
    //How can I loop through the array to call each objects drawShape method


3 Answers3


Like this:

Shape[] shapes = new Shape[] {triangle, circle, square};
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This: Shape[] shapes = new Shape{triangle, circle, square}; needs to become: Shape[] shapes = new Shape[] {triangle, circle, square};

An array object is an Iterable in Java. This means that you can use the modified for loop to go through it:

for(Shape shape : shapes)
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Use it like below :

Shape triangle = new Triangle();
Shape circle = new Circle();
Shape square = new Square();

Shape[] shapes = new Shape[] {triangle, circle, square};
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