
OK, all of the recommendations in this thread work but are not very readable in the code files. Is there a way to disable the default javadoc formatting and just write x>1 with no problem?

  • That link *lists* all possibilities. You are in essence asking the very same question again, and there is no point in doing so. If *human readability* is your main focus, then pull in a framework that supports **markdown** in javadoc, and go with that. – GhostCat Aug 06 '18 at 07:10
  • I asked this question because none of the listed recommendations work for me. – rawrintheclouds Aug 06 '18 at 07:56
  • I got that. But why do you expect that the answers you would here would be any different. The IT business is about balancing *your* preferences with what technology has to offer. Sometimes you simply give in. You agree with your team mates what format you want, and then everybody follows that. And in a few weeks, everybody is used to it. And as said: when human readable javadoc is so important to you, then include a mark down processor. – GhostCat Aug 06 '18 at 07:59
  • Yeah, actually my team does not agree on any of these formats, so there you have it.. I hoped that maybe there would be a different way. – rawrintheclouds Aug 06 '18 at 09:45

1 Answers1


i guess javadoc's main goal is to make the customer of classes, methods, functions and procedures to not look into the source file.

So i suggest to use &lt; for < and &gt; for >, as the accepted answer of your related post tells to.