I created a web-app that uses reactjs. Now the basics of the app are :

Create Topics/Sub topics. Display them (this uses react ) Now 2nd task is explained as :-

Show all the topics/sub topics list. Clicking any of them sends json req and the data is recieved and displayed. Now I want to share the topic with link , however on clicking any of the topic only one elemnt of the html renders and the url remains the same.

So this is what i want to do -

On clicking , send json req and recieve data ( done ) Change the url ( I want to know if it is possible using the same react page? )

How can I use Routes in the following code ?

Part 1 :- Deals with recents posts Part 2 :- Deals with the Headings or Topic names Part 3 :- Deals with Sub topics Part 4 :- Deals with showing the Article from the chosen topic and sub topic.

Now its obvious that though the article is displayed , the link / url of the page will never change. However it makes it hard to share the articles. Thus I want to know how to apply the routes in this case ?

render() {
  var lists = this.state.list;
  var lists2 = this.state.list2;
  var aname = this.state.article.name;
  var date = this.state.article.date;
  var lists3 = this.state.listrec;

  return (
    <div className="row">
      <div id="recentsbar" className="col-md-3">
        <div className="row">
          <div className="col-md-9">
              <div style={{ display: this.state.hide2 }}>
                  <b> Recents </b>
                  style={{ display: this.state.load2 }}
                  <div />
                  <div />
                  <div />
                  <div />
                <div id="subl">
                  {lists3.map(number => (
                    <Item3 name={number} show={this.rec.bind(this)} />
      <div className="col-md-8">
        <div style={{ display: this.state.hide }}>
          <h1 style={{ marginLeft: 6 + "em" }}>
            <b> Subjects List </b>
          <div className="row">
            <div className="col-md-6">
              <ul style={{ marginTop: 1 + "em" }} /*className="list-group"*/>
                  style={{ display: this.state.load }}
                  <div />
                  <div />
                  <div />
                  <div />
                {lists.map(number => (
                  <Item name={number} hide={this.hide.bind(this)} />
        <div className="col-md-8">
          <div style={{ display: this.state.show }}>
            <h1 style={{ marginLeft: 6 + "em" }}>
              <b> {this.state.selsub} </b>
            <div className="row">
              <div className="col-md-auto" style={{ marginLeft: 6 + "em" }}>
                  style={{ marginTop: 1 + "em" }}
                  className="list-group art"
                    style={{ display: this.state.load }}
                    <div />
                    <div />
                    <div />
                    <div />
                  {lists2.map(number => (
                    <Item2 name={number} hide2={this.hide2.bind(this)} />

        <div style={{ display: this.state.showarticle }}>
          <div className="lds-ellipsis" style={{ display: this.state.load }}>
            <div />
            <div />
            <div />
            <div />
          <div className="arthead"> {aname} </div>
          <div style={{ float: "right", opacity: 0.5 }}>
            Updated on: {date}{" "}
              marginLeft: 1 + "em",
              lineHeight: 2 + "em",
              marginTop: 4 + "em"
            dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: this.state.article.body }}
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    To change the current path you could just use `` from react-router-dom package. Take a deeper look in the oficial docs from react-training's github page. – Dupocas Aug 01 '18 at 14:07

2 Answers2


You should look into react-router's Switch and react-router-dom's Route Components. For instance the following jsx:

import { Route, Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Switch } from 'react-router';
class YourComponent extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                        () => (
                           <h1>root content</h1>
                           <Link to="/content1">content1</Link>
                        () => (
                           <h1>content 1</h1>
                           <Link to="/">root</Link>

Route allows conditional rendering based on the URL.

Switch ensures the first matching Route only will be rendered (actually what's returned by the render prop of the Route component).

For all of this to work, remember that a Router component from react router must be an ancestor of YourComponent.

If you want to trigger an SPA navigation after an event, or during a callback, you have to use the withRouter HOC from react-router. StackOverflow thread explaining how it works: Programmatically navigate using react router

I also suggest you look into react-router-redux for redux integration of react-router. It offers the push action to navigate to another route.






React : difference between <Route exact path="/" /> and <Route path="/" />


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  • Thnx for the info. I had a doubt on import. ..... actually i am using react-router script (online uploaded) in my html as – Pulkit Joshi Aug 01 '18 at 17:17

I have created a Simple react routing example, hope it will make you undrestand routing in react. https://github.com/shivakumaraswamy/reactjs/tree/master/ReacRouting

  • Thnx for the info. I had a doubt on import. ..... actually i am using react-router script (online uploaded) in my html as – Pulkit Joshi Aug 02 '18 at 02:29
  • Which version of react router you are included in script? – Shivakumar H.G Aug 02 '18 at 11:58