I'm using the tab element of the Materializecss framework and I'm trying to make a simple 3 tab slider.

For some reason, whenever I add a third tab, the bottom tab indicator always overflows to the right making a scroll bar appear:

enter image description here

My code is simple:

<div class="col s12" id="charging_history_tabs">
    <ul class="tabs">
        <li class="tab col s4">
            <a href="#charging_history_chart_tab">Line Chart</a>
        <li class="tab col s4">
            <a href="#charging_history_sankey_tab">Sankey Diagram</a>
        <li class="tab col s4">
            <a href="#download_tab">Download Session Data</a>

<div class="row" id="charging_history_chart_tab">
    <div class="col s12">
        <canvas id="charging_history_chart" width="400" height="200"></canvas>

<div class="row" id="charging_history_sankey_tab">
    <div class="col s12">
        <div id="sankey_basic" style="width: 800px; height: 500px;"></div>

<div class="row" id="download_tab">
    <h1> hello there!</h1>

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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2 Answers2


You didn't enclose your tab code into a div with class="row" so col isn't rendered correctly...

Try like this:

<div class="row">
      <div class="col s12" id="charging_history_tabs">
          <ul class="tabs">
              <li class="tab col s4">
                  <a href="#charging_history_chart_tab">Line Chart</a>
              <li class="tab col s4">
                  <a href="#charging_history_sankey_tab">Sankey Diagram</a>
              <li class="tab col s4">
                  <a href="#download_tab">Download Session Data</a>
Luke Savefrogs
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A scrollbar appears because there is not enough space. If you alter the width of the container, or the elements within the container, it should work out.

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