I have a project, which consists out of source code and test code. The source code is stored in one directory, and my tests are stored in another.

  |- src
  | |- pkg
  | | | - __init__.py
  | | | - src1.py
  | | | - src2.py
  |- test
  | |- tests_for_pkg
  | | | - __init__.py
  | | | - first_test.py
  | | | - second_test.py

When I'm running my tests, I am required to import all of my source code in the _test.py files.

from pkg.src1 import src1
from pkg.src2 import src2

I would like to run all of my tests in one go using python -m pytest <tests> or running a script, but I keep getting errors about my imports.

I had issues with my Python path before in my Eclipse IDE, so I opted to use relative paths and add them as an external library to the Python path based on a relative path in my folder structure.

For example, my include path would be:


How can I implement such a relative path in the Python command line/as a Python script?

EDIT: Using the provided links, I was able to get my test working by adding a conftest.py file and appending the location of my code.

However, my actual project has a massive source tree as follows:

| - projectdir
| | - projectone
| | | - datedir
| | | | - trunk
| | | | | - sd
| | | | | | - code
| | | | | | | src
| | | | | | | - pkg
| | | | | | | | - __init__.py
| | | | | | | | - src1.py
| | | | | | | | - src2.py
| | | | | | - model
| | | | | | | - testdir
| | | | | | | | - testware
| | | | | | | | | - unittest_pkg
| | | | | | | | | | - test
| | | | | | | | | | | - tests_for_pkg
| | | | | | | | | | | | - first_test.py
| | | | | | | | | | | | - second_test.py

conftest.py first source tree (allows me to run my tests from the test dir):

import sys

conftest.py second source tree (can't run any tests from any dir):

import sys

When I use the exact same method as before, it doesn't work. Does conftest.py have a limit on how far it can search for the src directory?

EDIT: Solved with help from this question.

I ended up making a batch script which looks for any files ending in test.py and runs them.

@echo off
for /r %%i in (*test.py) do (
    set PYTHONPATH=../../../src/pkg
    python -m pytest --junitxml=%%~pi/JUnit_%%~ni.xml %%i

@RD /S /Q .pytest_cache 
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1 Answers1


Why not add current directory to PYTHONPATH before running pytest?


Alternatively, you can add directory to PYTHONPATH in test .py by:

import sys
import os
Alex Fung
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