How can an object be added at a specific index of an NSMutableArray?

How is an object added to the front of the array?

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3 Answers3

[myMutableArray insertObject:myObject atIndex:42];

To add an object to the front of the array, use 0 as the index:

[myMutableArray insertObject:myObject atIndex:0];

Take a look at the insertObject:atIndex: method of the NSMutableArray class. Adding to the "front" of the array implies index 0.

For example:

NSMutableArray * array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:3];
[array addObject:@"b"]; // Contains "b"
[array insertObject:@"a" atIndex:0]; // Contains "a", "b"
[array insertObject:@"c" atIndex:2]; // Contains "a", "b", "c"
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Updated for Swift 3:

If you want to Add an object at a specific index of a NSMutableArray, use below a simple line of code:

self.yourMutableArrayName.insert(<#T##newElement: String##String#>, at: <#T##Int#>)

Example: if you want to add string: "Nature" at index: 3

var str = "Nature"
self.yourMutableArrayName.insert(str, at: 3) 

// Enjoy..! 

Kiran Jadhav
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