Following my general question I have a specific issue using spring jdbcTemplate , I want to rollback specific test method after every execution of DAO method below.

Adding @Transactional and @Rollback(true) failed to rollback insert

Also getting connection before/after and rollback it doesn't effect

public void testInsertUser() {
    Assert.assertEquals(userDAO.insertUser(new User(55616103, true, true, false)), true);

How should I rollback unit test using TestNG framework? most answers use Junit's @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)

I failed auto wiring the jdbcTemplate using TestNG:

private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

But succeeded using SpringJUnit4ClassRunner with including Configuration class includes jdbcTemplate/DataStource

Do TestNG have option to execute using Spring context?

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1 Answers1


The solution is to replace the AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests with AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests.

reference: Spring + TestNG not transactionally rollback