The following bit of code fails to compile on gcc 7.3.0 and clang 6.0.0 (but seems to compile fine under MSVC):

#include <utility>

struct IncompleteType;

template<typename T>
struct Container {
    T value;

using Uninstantiatable = Container<IncompleteType>;

auto foo() -> decltype(static_cast<Uninstantiatable const&>(std::declval<Uninstantiatable const&>())) {
    throw 1;

The error I get is this:

<source>:7:7: error: field has incomplete type 'IncompleteType'
    T value;
<source>:12:24: note: in instantiation of template class 'Container<IncompleteType>' requested here
auto foo() -> decltype(static_cast<Uninstantiatable const&>(std::declval<Uninstantiatable const&>())) {
<source>:3:8: note: forward declaration of 'IncompleteType'
struct IncompleteType;
1 error generated.
Compiler returned: 1

Try it yourself here: https://godbolt.org/g/5AW37K

However, it compiles if I replace line 10 by

using Uninstantiatable = IncompleteType;

Like @Jarod42 mentioned, it compiles again if you remove the definition of Container: http://godbolt.org/g/ue9iwC It looks like gcc and clang therefore only instantiate the template class if it is defined.

In both cases, I'm simply trying to copy a const-ref to a const-ref, so I expect that to work regardless of what the type is, and this indeed works if the type itself is incomplete. Does the standard specify that a template instantiation is triggered here, or are gcc and clang incorrect in their behavior?

Note that the pattern in the code above is taken from the std::is_constructible implementation of gcc, and the error was triggered when I tried to copy a tuple containg a const ref of a templated class with an incomplete type parameter, so yes, this happens in practice.

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  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but this looks like a duplicate of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8379002/does-casting-to-a-pointer-to-a-template-instantiate-that-template... – Max Langhof Jul 09 '18 at 13:03
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    Without definition of the template class, it [compiles](http://godbolt.org/g/ue9iwC) too. – Jarod42 Jul 09 '18 at 13:23

2 Answers2


According to the standard implicit class template instantiation should only be performed when a complete object is required [temp.inst]/1:

[...], the class template specialization is implicitly instantiated when the specialization is referenced in a context that requires a completely-defined object type or when the completeness of the class type affects the semantics of the program.

As pointed out in Jarod's comment, if a definition for container is not provided, Unintatiable is, independently of the completeness of InCompleteType, an incomplete type and the code compile. Moreover this static_cast is obviously independent of the completness of the object. So I think this is a compiler bug of gcc and clang.

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  • I'm not particularly sure, there are some cases when an instantiation is "allowed but not required". Not sure whether it applies here. https://timsong-cpp.github.io/cppwp/n4659/temp.inst#7 – llllllllll Jul 09 '18 at 16:06

If you don't instantiate your templated class, you can't get an error.


 using Uninstantiatable = IncompleteType;

means that you generate only a reference on the IncompleteType. Having a reference or a pointer on undefined types is ok, as the compiler only has to genrate code for a pointer here. But if you instantiate your class:

template<typename T>
struct Container {
    T value;

Here you need the definition of T which is not a pointer or reference but the type itself which is here undefined. So the compiler can't generate a instance because it did not know anything about.


decltype(static_cast<Uninstantiatable const&>) 

means that you get your template instantiated which results in the error. It has nothing todo with the point that you only need a reference in that statement. It has to do with generating the instance of the template itself which ca't be done because the "T" there is not known as described above.

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    But if you remove `Container` definition, it [compiles](https://godbolt.org/g/ue9iwC) so why template is instantiated when definition is provided? – Jarod42 Jul 09 '18 at 13:09