I'm building my first React app from scratch using React BoilerPlate for practice. I'm running into issues with my routes.

import React from 'react'
import { Router, Route } from 'react-router-dom'
import createBrowserHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory'

import ApplicationsPage from '../ApplicationsPage'
import CompanyApplicantsPage from '../CompanyApplicantsPage'
import CompanyJobsPage from '../CompanyJobsPage'
import CompanyLocationsPage from '../CompanyLocationsPage'
import CompanyPage from '../CompanyPage'
import CompanyRecruitersPage from '../CompanyRecruitersPage'
import CompanySettingsPage from '../CompanySettingsPage'
import EditResumePage from '../EditResumePage'
import EditCompanyPage from '../EditCompanyPage'
import EditJobPage from '../EditJobPage'
import EditProfilePage from '../EditProfilePage'
import JobPage from '../JobPage'
import JobsPage from '../JobsPage'
import NewCompanyPage from '../NewCompanyPage'
import NewJobPage from '../NewJobPage'
import NewProfilePage from '../NewProfilePage'
import NotFoundPage from '../NotFoundPage/Loadable'
import Main from '../Main'
import ProfilePage from '../ProfilePage'
import ProfileSettingsPage from '../ProfileSettingsPage'
import ProfilesPage from '../ProfilesPage'
import EditLocationPage from '../EditLocationPage'

export default function App() {
  const history = createBrowserHistory()

  return (
    <Router history={history}>
      <Route component={Main}>
        <Route path="/jobs" component={JobsPage} />
        <Route path="/jobs/new" component={NewJobPage} />
        <Route path="/jobs/:job_id" component={JobPage} />
        <Route path="/jobs/:job_id/edit" component={EditJobPage} />
        <Route path="/profiles" component={ProfilesPage} />
        <Route path="/profiles/new" component={NewProfilePage} />
        <Route path="/profiles/:profile_id" component={ProfilePage} />
        <Route path="/profiles/:profile_id/edit" component={EditProfilePage} />
        <Route path="/profiles/:profile_id/edit_resume" component={EditResumePage} />
        <Route path="/profiles/:profile_id/applications" component={ApplicationsPage} />
        <Route path="/profiles/:profile_id/settings" component={ProfileSettingsPage} />
        <Route path="/companies/new" component={NewCompanyPage} />
        <Route path="/companies/:company_id" component={CompanyPage} />
        <Route component={NotFoundPage} />
        <Route path="/companies/:company_id/edit" component={EditCompanyPage} />
        <Route path="/companies/:company_id/jobs" component={CompanyJobsPage} />
        <Route path="/companies/:company_id/locations" component={CompanyLocationsPage} />
        <Route path="/companies/:company_id/locations/location_id" component={EditLocationPage} />
        <Route path="/companies/:company_id/recruiters" component={CompanyRecruitersPage} />
        <Route path="/companies/:company_id/settings" component={CompanySettingsPage} />
        <Route path="/companies/:company_id/applicants" component={CompanyApplicantsPage} />

Essentially, my Main component has all my main content that I want to wrap around the whole site (navbar, body styling etc.). And any component rendered inside.

Each of these other components have a form on them, and when I go to any one of these paths I only see my Main content, not my forms. What am I doing wrong.

This is the only error I have in the console:

You should not use and in the same route; will be ignored

Which seems like it could be related, but I seem to find a lot of examples of people doing it this way and I can't seem to make it work any way I try.

1 Answers1


You are missing "exact" in the route component. Use <Route exact path="/jobs/new" component={NewJobPage} /> to go to that particular page instead of <Route path="/jobs/new" component={NewJobPage} />

Check React : difference between <Route exact path="/" /> and <Route path="/" /> for more understanding.

Hope this helps :)

  • That didn't seem to work, unfortunately. Now I am also getting a new error: Invalid prop `component` of type `object` supplied to `Route`, expected `function`. – Alysia Lynn Jul 06 '18 at 02:56
  • I believe this new error is due to unavailability of path in " " and " ". Also if your entry point is the main component, direct it to the home page, – Ajai Maxwel Jul 06 '18 at 03:20