I am trying to loop through several database table structures and determine the common structure (ie what columns are identical). The final structure should only show common columns, so if any table has a unique column, it should not be in the final array.

This is an example of what three table structures may look like.

$arr1 = [
    ["name"=>"col1", "type"=>"varchar"],
    ["name"=>"col2", "type"=>"int"]    
$arr2 = [
    ["name"=>"col1", "type"=>"varchar"],
    ["name"=>"col2", "type"=>"int"]    ,
    ["name"=>"col3", "type"=>"date"]    
$arr3 = [
    ["name"=>"col1", "type"=>"varchar"],
    ["name"=>"col3", "type"=>"int"]    

$arrays = [$arr1, $arr2, $arr3];

Using array_merge, array_diff, array_intersect, or a loop, is it possible to determine which of these columns are common to all tables?

The end value should be [["name"=>"col1", "type"=>"varchar"]]

5 Answers5


You could use array_uintersect, which does the intersection with your own function. But you should keep in mind, that the compare function does not simply returns true or false - instead you have to return -1, 0 or 1.

In PHP7 you could use the spaceship operator <=> for the comparison.

$intersection = array_uintersect($arr1, $arr2, $arr3, function($a, $b) {
    $ret = $a['name'] <=> $b['name'];
    return $ret ? $ret : $a['type'] <=> $b['type'];

If you want to put all arrays inside the intersection, you could do this:

$arrays = [$arr1, $arr2, $arr3];
$arrays[] = function($a, $b) {
    $ret = $a['name'] <=> $b['name'];
    return $ret ? $ret : $a['type'] <=> $b['type'];

$intersection = array_uintersect(...$arrays);

In older versions, you should instead use strcasecmp.

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You can use a custom compare method with array_uintersect():

$arr1 = [
    ["name" => "col1", "type" => "varchar"],
    ["name" => "col2", "type" => "int"]
$arr2 = [
    ["name" => "col1", "type" => "varchar"],
    ["name" => "col2", "type" => "int"],
    ["name" => "col3", "type" => "date"]
$arr3 = [
    ["name" => "col1", "type" => "varchar"],
    ["name" => "col3", "type" => "int"]

$common_columns = array_uintersect($arr1, $arr2, $arr3, 'compareDeepValue');


function compareDeepValue($val1, $val2)
    return (strcasecmp(serialize($val1), serialize($val2))) ;

Will output:

    [0] => Array
            [name] => col1
            [type] => varchar



@Abracadaver made a good point this method will only work correctly when you have the array conventions in the same order.

Than you can for example use this:

function compareDeepValue($val1, $val2)
    return ($val1['name'] === $val2['name'] && $val1['type'] === $val2['type']) ? 0 : -1;
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    Works only if they are always in the same order, try `["type"=>"varchar", "name"=>"col1"]` or more values `["name"=>"col1", "type"=>"varchar", "default"=>"NULL"]`. – AbraCadaver Jul 03 '18 at 14:59
  • Good point, but the goal is that OP can use his custom method, which of course he can change to whatever he needs. I'll add the note, thanks. – Timmetje Jul 03 '18 at 15:02
  • This is working so far. Now I am just not understanding why I cannot use spread operator for the parameters.. ie `array_uintersect($arr1, ...$arrays `.. assuming I took `$arr1` out of `$arrays` – billy_bones_3 Jul 03 '18 at 15:04
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    array_u* functions are not variadic because of the last positional argument. The problem is that they all take a final callback parameter (or two) after the varargs list, and that doesn't fit the rules for how variadics work. – Timmetje Jul 03 '18 at 15:12

You can extract the arrays and index by the name key and compute the intersection using the keys:

$result = array_intersect_key(array_column($arr1, null, 'name'),
                              array_column($arr2, null, 'name'),
                              array_column($arr3, null, 'name'));


    [col1] => Array
            [name] => col1
            [type] => varchar

If needed, use array_values to get back to numeric indexes.

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Maybe ?

$arrays = [$arr1, $arr2, $arr3];
$arrays_extended = [];

foreach($arrays as $row => $innerArray){
  foreach($innerArray as $innerRow => $value){
    array_push($arrays_extended, $value);


Outputs [["name"=>"col1", "type"=>"varchar"]]

Valentin P
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    I didn't downvote you but this throws a ton of notices because `array_unique` isn't used properly. And yeah.. this code is overall kinda broken: https://3v4l.org/1okcm – Xatenev Jul 03 '18 at 14:58
  • I'm not trying it on Online PHP editor and it didn't throws anything for me. But thanks for explanation. – Valentin P Jul 03 '18 at 15:11
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    Thats probably because your `error_reporting` / `display_errors` is not correctly configured. See [how to configure error reporting for development](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1053424/how-do-i-get-php-errors-to-display) – Xatenev Jul 03 '18 at 18:52


1.convert elements to strings as follows:

 array(2) {
      [0] =>
      string(32) "{"name":"col1","type":"varchar"}"
      [1] =>
      string(28) "{"name":"col2","type":"int"}"
    array(3) {
      [0] =>
      string(32) "{"name":"col1","type":"varchar"}"
      [1] =>
      string(28) "{"name":"col2","type":"int"}"
      [2] =>
      string(29) "{"name":"col3","type":"date"}"
    array(2) {
      [0] =>
      string(32) "{"name":"col1","type":"varchar"}"
      [1] =>
      string(28) "{"name":"col3","type":"int"}"

2.Use array intersect to find common elements

3.convert back to arrays.

$arr1 = [
    ["name"=>"col1", "type"=>"varchar"],
    ["name"=>"col2", "type"=>"int"]    
$arr2 = [
    ["name"=>"col1", "type"=>"varchar"],
    ["name"=>"col2", "type"=>"int"]    ,
    ["name"=>"col3", "type"=>"date"]    
$arr3 = [
    ["name"=>"col1", "type"=>"varchar"],
    ["name"=>"col3", "type"=>"int"]    

list($darr1, $darr2, $darr3) = convertArrToStr($arr1, $arr2, $arr3);
/* output:
array(2) {
  [0] =>
  string(32) "{"name":"col1","type":"varchar"}"
  [1] =>
  string(28) "{"name":"col2","type":"int"}"
array(3) {
  [0] =>
  string(32) "{"name":"col1","type":"varchar"}"
  [1] =>
  string(28) "{"name":"col2","type":"int"}"
  [2] =>
  string(29) "{"name":"col3","type":"date"}"
array(2) {
  [0] =>
  string(32) "{"name":"col1","type":"varchar"}"
  [1] =>
  string(28) "{"name":"col3","type":"int"}"
var_dump(duplicates($darr1, $darr2, $darr3));
/* output:
array(1) {
  [0] =>
  array(2) {
    'name' =>
    string(4) "col1"
    'type' =>
    string(7) "varchar"

function convertArrToStr() {
    $args = func_get_args();
    foreach($args as &$arg){
          foreach($arg as $k => $arr) {
                      $arg[$k] = json_encode($arr, true);
    return $args;

function duplicates($darr1, $darr2, $darr3) {
    $intersects = array_intersect($darr1, $darr2, $darr3);
    $r = [];
    foreach($intersects as $v) {
          $r[] = json_decode($v, true);    
    return $r;

Hope this helps you write a more elegant solution.

Sahith Vibudhi
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