I have a automated job to publish some data to facebook through API, it was working fine until recently it started throwing error com.restfb.exception.FacebookOAuthException: Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: Permissions error (code 200, subcode 1870034)

I googled subcode 1870034 but no help, if anyone have encountered this error previously ,please explain regarding this subcode.

Thanks for any help.

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  • Dunno. Suggest you go check the changelog first of all, to see what might have happened regarding the specific functionality you are using there. – CBroe Jul 03 '18 at 10:45
  • There are no recent changes, and as i mentioned it is an automated job which is successfully running for quite a long time. just wanted to know the description for subcode 1870034 – anks Jul 03 '18 at 11:20
  • Can’t find anything on that, at least not in combination with error code 200. You can either file a bug report and ask them what the meaning of that specific sub-code is, or do a little debugging to try and figure out what might be missing yourself. – CBroe Jul 03 '18 at 11:54
  • Im having the same issue. creating custom audiences was working fine untill recently. Nothing has changed from my side. One day it stopped working and gave me permission error. I have already agreed to TOS. @anks have you solved it or know any more details? – Nelson Sequiera Jul 27 '18 at 19:34

2 Answers2


Doesn't seem it's related to TOS. For me error looked like

{"error":{"message":"Permissions error","type":"OAuthException","code":200,"error_subcode":1870047,"is_transient":false,"error_user_title":"Audience Size too Low","error_user_msg":"You cannot remove users from this audience because it will result in a low audience size.","fbtrace_id":"xxx"}}

Here you can find an official answer from FB team https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/2093728693993530

Thanks for writing in. I can confirm that this is a valid error message. Custom Audiences must maintain a certain minimum size, though the specific number is not actually documented. I believe the required minimum is approximately 100 unique users. If you need to remove so many users that you're going under this limit, I'd recommend deleting the custom audience entirely.

Also why it's Permissions error...

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I'm having the same issue for error subcode 1870034, which seems to come from a Custom Audience TOS issue, here is the full error message

You'll need to agree to the Custom Audience terms before you can create or edit an audience of CUSTOM type.

You can try accept the Custom Audience TOS using this link https://www.facebook.com/ads/manage/customaudiences/tos/?act=AD_ACCOUNT_ID (Though you'd probably need to own the ad account in this case)

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  • hey twenizaak, thanks for your answer, is this resolved for you guys?, because we have accepted the TOS but still it is throwing the same error. – anks Jul 05 '18 at 08:11
  • Which endpoint are you using? I know there is a few different TOS's since GDPR. Value-based lookalike audiences https://www.facebook.com/customaudiences/value_based/tos The rest of them via this link https://adespresso.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/213984478-Missing-some-ToS-for-Custom-Audiences- – twenizaak Jul 06 '18 at 11:10
  • @anks have you solved the problem? I've accepted the TOS and still getting the same error. – small_ticket Jul 18 '18 at 13:41
  • yes it is working for me know , to make it work, if you are the admin accept all the TOS , if not then anyone 1 admin to accept. – anks Jul 19 '18 at 07:48
  • refer these as well https://adespresso.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/213984478-Missing-some-ToS-for-Custom-Audiences- and – anks Jul 19 '18 at 07:49
  • https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/1697739793635397/?disable_redirect=0 – anks Jul 19 '18 at 07:49