I have a large chunk of NA data, and I would like to exclude all rows with NA data from my dataset. I tried using

mydata[complete.cases(mydata), ] 

but it didn't work. When I View the dataset, the rows are still there. Note that these missing data are not a conceptual problem. I had given participants the option to report up to 30 y-variable examples, but most chose not to report more than 10; however, the dataset contains 30 row per person, even though it turned out more than half of them are empty!

Any suggestions on how to delete NA rows from my dataset?


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    Have you assigned the result of that instruction back to `mydata` or to some other data.frame? Another way is to use function `na.omit`. Also, see argument `na.action`. – Rui Barradas Jul 02 '18 at 15:18
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    Another option: `mydata – Peter_Evan Jul 02 '18 at 15:21
  • Possible duplicate of [Remove rows with NAs (missing values) in data.frame](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4862178/remove-rows-with-nas-missing-values-in-data-frame) – Jan Boyer Jul 02 '18 at 16:06
  • When I do na.omit it deletes all my data, so I'm not sure whether I need to give clearer specification?! – psyrgh Jul 02 '18 at 17:16

1 Answers1


I figured it out, I had a mistake in my datafile. Otherwise, na.omit worked perfectly!

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