I successfully connected to my database, however I am not able to add a TableAdapter. Using TableAdapter Configuration Wizard I can use the query builder and everything seems fine, I can see the tables, retrieve the rows, everything. however when I am trying to finish the configuration I get the title error. What should I do? thank you

the error

This is what I Have in my VS

This is what I Have in my VS

I am using MySql and C#.

Daniel Manta
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A. Dravid
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  • Possible duplicate of [What is a NullReferenceException, and how do I fix it?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4660142/what-is-a-nullreferenceexception-and-how-do-i-fix-it) – CodeNotFound Jul 02 '18 at 12:29
  • i don't think it's the same question – A. Dravid Jul 02 '18 at 12:29
  • It is the same :) Your error message is the same as the duplicated question. Check the content of the question. – CodeNotFound Jul 02 '18 at 12:31
  • it's the same error but it doesn't appear in the same context – A. Dravid Jul 02 '18 at 12:32
  • The accepted answer there explains how to debug that even if it is not the same context and a lot of examples about different technologies. – CodeNotFound Jul 02 '18 at 12:35
  • @A.Dravid, FYI here in Stackoverflow the suggested answer is used as a catch-all for any question raising NullReferenceException. The idea is that it should be easy to debug after you know an object somewhere is null. However you're getting this exception when using a wizard. Do you have access to the code causing the exception? – Daniel Manta Jul 02 '18 at 12:45
  • it is possible that you don't have correct MySQL driver version for .Net connector, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48099305/vs2017-mysql-sqldatasource-object-reference-not-set-to-an-instance-of-an-objec – Daniel Manta Jul 02 '18 at 12:59
  • it doesn't work sadly :( i did exactly what he said trying multiple versions – A. Dravid Jul 02 '18 at 14:47
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    @CodeNotFound The NullReferenceException isn't coming from the OP's code but from the (buggy) MySQL VS addin they're trying to use; it's not possible to debug it using the steps in that answer. – Bradley Grainger Jul 04 '18 at 06:37
  • @BradleyGrainger yep maybe. That is what it is « possible duplicate » not « exact duplicate ». Also it exists many answers there. The accepted answer can’t be always the right one. I think You can also add your answer there if you want or let it here also. – CodeNotFound Jul 04 '18 at 06:47
  • I have the same problem and probably is a bug of MySQL Visual Studio addin like suggested by @BradleyGrainger – Lorenzo Belfanti Aug 23 '18 at 07:36

1 Answers1


This is a known bug in the MySQL Visual Studio addin: bug 90390.

If you create an account at bugs.mysql.com you can click the Subscribe button on that bug report to get updates (e.g., when an updated version is released that fixes the bug).

Bradley Grainger
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