I want to copy images from one folder to another on server, now I use this code:

function read_dir($dir)
   $list = array();
   if (is_dir($dir)) 
     if ($handle = opendir($dir)) 
        while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) 
           if ($file != "." && $file != "..") 
               $list[] = $file;
   return $list;
$list= read_dir($src);
foreach($list as $key => $val)
echo "Done";

But I need to copy just images selected by time - for example images uploaded between "now" and 5 min. ago..

Can anyone help? Thanks

Now my PHP is like below. It seems that it run with "Done" result, but nothing is copied..

function read_dir($dir)
   $list = array();
   if (is_dir($dir)) 
     if ($handle = opendir($dir)) 
        while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) 

         $fpath = 'oldfolder'.$file;
         if (file_exists($fpath)) {

           if($file != "." && $file != ".." &&                 
DateTime::createFromFormat('U', filemtime($file)) < new DateTime("-5 
               $list[] = $file;
   return $list;
$list= read_dir($src);
foreach($list as $key => $val)
echo "Done"; 
  • [filemtime()](http://php.net/manual/en/function.filemtime.php) – Jeff Jun 26 '18 at 08:59
  • Maybe [filemtime()](https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.filemtime.php) can help – brombeer Jun 26 '18 at 09:00
  • Possible duplicate of [PHP: how can I get file creation date?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4401320/php-how-can-i-get-file-creation-date) – CD001 Jun 26 '18 at 09:01
  • And how can I implement this, or, where can I find some example – Kamera Prvá Jun 26 '18 at 09:02
  • You can find examples in the links we've posted and in the linked SO Question. – Jeff Jun 26 '18 at 09:08
  • Just tweak the `if ($file != "." && $file != "..")` condition to include it ... e.g. `if($file != "." && $file != ".." && DateTime::createFromFormat('U', filemtime($file)) > new DateTime("-5 minutes")) { ... }` - since it's all timestamps you probably don't need to use `DateTime` but it just comes more naturally to me to do so – CD001 Jun 26 '18 at 09:12
  • I tried it, but become warning: filemtime(): stat failed for ... Any solution? – Kamera Prvá Jun 26 '18 at 10:12
  • Might want to include a [file_exists](http://php.net/manual/en/function.file-exists.php) check before doing `filemtime()` - [more info here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13386082/filemtime-warning-stat-failed-for) – CD001 Jun 26 '18 at 13:00
  • I made some edit (shown up) but no succsess – Kamera Prvá Jun 26 '18 at 14:47

2 Answers2


So this is my code, that works for me well - copy images between folders according to time (- 5 sec) set by other code in "time.txt" file:

 function read_dir($dir)
 $list = array();
 if (is_dir($dir)) 
 if ($handle = opendir($dir)) 
 while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) 
 $fpath = 'oldfolder/'.$file;
 if (file_exists($fpath)) {

 $subor = fopen("./time.txt", "r"); 
 $cas_txt=fgets($subor, 11);
 $cas_zac = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $cas_txt)->modify('-5 seconds');
 if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 
 filemtime($fpath)) > $cas_zac)
 $list[] = $file;
 return $list;
 $list= read_dir($src);
 foreach($list as $key => $val)
 //copy file to new folder
 echo "Done";

I have two more questions:

Please how can I rotate images in 180° by or after copy? Is it possible in one php code?

How can I send multiple files - images from my code - like an attachments by mail in php?

Thanks for your help.


You should use the filemtime function

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