<div *ngFor="let el of list">
        <img [src]='el.photo'

Api retturn el.photo = '/9j/2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAw......'

and i want concatante with


something like that

<img [src]='data:image/jpeg;base64, + 'el.photo''>
Wojciech Abacki
  • 251
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  • Possible duplicate of [How to display Base64 images in HTML?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8499633/how-to-display-base64-images-in-html) – R. Schifini Jun 24 '18 at 00:08

2 Answers2


Firstable it would be

<img [src]="'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + el.photo">

But I suppose it was only a mistake. However I would suggest you to make concatenations like this in controller and not in view (as a part of good coding practices). You can eg. make a function which would return concatenated string in controller:

function getBase64ImageSrc(photo) {
  return 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + photo;

And then use this function in view:

<img [src]="getBase64ImageSrc(el.photo)">
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You can use

<img src={{'data:image/jpeg;base64, + el.photo}}>
Muhammad Usman
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