I'm trying to run the autopep8 linter on a Python file in VSCode.

I've followed the instructions here: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/environments and selected my interpreter (⇧⌘P): /usr/local/bin/python

I then try to format my code, and VSCode says autopep8 isn't installed, and can be installed via Pip. However, when I try to install via Pip, it says There is no Pip installer available in the selected environment.

I then tried launching a terminal in the current environment by selecting Python: Create Terminal from the Command Palette.

The terminal opens fine, pip is present, and I'm even able to pip install autopep8 in the terminal that opened in VSCode, but when I try running the Format Document command I get the same errors that autopep8 and pip aren't available in the environment.

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    What platform are you on, what Python are you using, and how did you install it? If you're on Linux, you may have installed a distro Python package that splits pip out into a separate package, like `python-pip`, in which case you need to install that. If you're on macOS, you may be using Apple's pre-installed Python, which doesn't come with pip (in which case you really should install a separate Python instead, but if you really want to, you can install pip for that one). And so on. – abarnert Jun 22 '18 at 18:17
  • Or, if you're just using a really old version of Python (before 2.7.9, or 3.0-3.3), it just didn't come with `pip` back then. In that case, if you can't upgrade to a newer Python (and you're not using a linux distro-installed Python), you need to use [`get-pip.py`](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/). – abarnert Jun 22 '18 at 18:20
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    I'm on Mac OS X, latest version, and I'm using a Python 3.6 installed via Homebrew that definitely has pip. I can even access pip from inside the terminal I can spin up inside VSCode. I was able to update my User Settings to get it to work: ``` "python.formatting.autopep8Path": "/usr/local/bin/autopep8", "python.linting.pylintPath": "/usr/local/bin/pylint" } ``` but I'm not a huge fan of that... – ashgromnies Jun 22 '18 at 18:40
  • Does installing Python 3.6 with Homebrew really create a `/usr/local/bin/python` rather than just `/usr/local/bin/python3`? (It didn't used to back when they had separate python2 and python3 packages, but I haven't used it recently.) – abarnert Jun 22 '18 at 18:43
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    More importantly (because that last question probably won't turn out to help…), please edit the information about platform, etc., into your question, rather than just putting it in a comment. And also, just to make sure: when you do the "select environment" thing, I assume VSCode properly labels it as something like "Python 3.6 (64-bit) Python Software Foundation", not just the label it uses when it's confused about the interpreter version, right? – abarnert Jun 22 '18 at 18:45
  • Also, make sure the same label appears in the status bar, and maybe double-check the workspace settings.json to make sure they got set correctly. And is there a python.envFile with anything weird in it? Finally, Could you switch to using virtual environments, or even pipenv, or would any suggestions in that direction be inappropriate? – abarnert Jun 22 '18 at 18:49
  • it may be best to use virtual environment. Then activate the environment and run pip and other commands while the virtual environment is activated. – Natsfan Jun 22 '18 at 20:08

14 Answers14


On Ubuntu16.04, I worked with Python3 in vscode and

apt-get install python3-pip

solves my problem.

That's because I discover that: Under my terminal, I type the pip -V. It displays it's for Python2, not for Python3.

Stephen Rauch
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Man you can only change the interpreter.

Go in (ctrl + shift + p), then type Python: Select Interpreter, this way you choose the version that your extension needs.

This worked for me.

elan lima
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I have multiple python versions:

  1. Tell the vscode/ visual studio code, which version to use:

press the following (Show All Commands): Ctrl + Shift + P
paste the following: Python: Select Interpreter
Select one of the version that it shows, I have selected python 3.7.3 64-bit

  1. Update python path in settings:

press Ctrl + , to open Settings
search for python.pythonPath
change python to /usr/bin/python3.7

Note: this may not be needed, however, make sure /usr/bin/python3.7 really exists for you, you may have at a different path like /usr/local/bin/python3.7, etc.

  1. I had pip but it was 2.7, but since I am choosing python 3, it's pip needs to be installed

Run the following command in Terminal: apt-get install python3-pip

  1. Restart vscode

With the above steps, all issues got resolved. Hope that helps.

Manohar Reddy Poreddy
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try Ctrl+Shift+P then type

Python: Select Interpreter

and select the python version.

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muhammad ali e
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Installing python3-pip fixed the issue for me.

apt-get install python3-pip
Rafik Saad
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1.Select the File > Preferences > Settings command (⌘,) to open your User Settings.

2.Search and Create or modify an entry for python.pythonPath with the full path to the Python executable according to your requirements.For Example i changed it to python2.6 path to this path /usr/local/bin/python3.

Mohit Dabas
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(on mac)if you are using python3 but vscode told you pip was not installed , you could change python version on vscode bottom. And I guess you are using another terminal but not bash , vscode's default terminal is bash. Bash don't know you have install pip@2.


For WSL users:

If you have your work files in linux subsystem path, you still need pip for windows in order to VSCode to use it.

Seyhak Ly
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  • I'm on Ubuntu 20 running under WSL 2, and installing `python 3` inside Ubuntu fixes this issue. – Erwol Feb 10 '21 at 11:35

I had the same problem today, none of the solutions helped me. Eventually, I figured it out myself.

I'm posting this answer for people who are having this problem. Just go to your ./venv folder and you will find a .cfg file.

Just make sure include-system-site-packages is set to true

home = /usr/bin
include-system-site-packages = true
version = 3.8.5

If it still doesn't work, just run sudo install python-3 pip once in the terminal.

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On Ubuntu:

Make sure, that you have Python and pip installed.

Go to Settings, type python.py in search input. This should find Python Path settings.

Remove this path (if it is currently setted), save. Exit Code and set this to current value.

For me is /usr/bin/python3

Kamil Naja
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For Windows system check the environment variable>System variables check the Path variable for the python path.(if not found set the path variable for python)

Copy the path and paste under vscode>file>preferences>settings>python.pythonPath

It worked for me.

Ranjita Shetty
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I ran into this problem while learning django and the terminal would not let me pip install anything.

Create a virtual environment in shell and then use the path of the environment as your interpreter. This worked for me.

Note: You might want to create to create the environment in a different shell altogether and then upload the folder of the environment into vscode. Then you open up the settings file in the environment folder.

This image will hopefully give you a good idea. Click Here

Vedant Mehta
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I was having a similar problem with pylint in a docker container. I realized that the reason the VS-Code-prompted pylint install didn't work for me was because I was using the global python installation (global inside my docker container, anyway), which can require elevated permissions to install things and VS code wasn't running as root in the container. According to the vs code python extension docs:

Note: If you're using a global environment and VS Code is not running elevated, linter installation may fail. In that case, either run VS Code elevated, or manually run the Python package manager to install the linter at an elevated command prompt for the same environment: for example sudo pip3 install pylint (macOS/Linux) or pip install pylint (Windows, at an elevated prompt)

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You can use the pycharm instead of it,ues Pycharm open the same DIR,it will add the .idea DIR in it , then close Pycharm or not,if you like it. you will get that,the question is gone.

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