It's a really simple test actually. I create a couple external schemas and create an external table in one of the schemas and then querying svv_external_tables shows the table exists in ALL schemas!! What am I missing?

create external schema mytestschema from data catalog 
database 'mytestdb' 
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/spectrumrole'

create external table mytestdb.mytestschema.newtable (
col1 varchar(200),
col2 varchar(200),
col3 varchar(200)
partitioned by (cycle_date varchar(20) )
stored as parquet
location 's3://s3loc';

select * from svv_external_tables;

1 Answers1


External schema doesn't hold the table descriptions, it just hold the connection parameters to a database in data catalog. Or put the other way - whatever is in the data catalog database is shown in every external schema that points to it.

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