I am doing a project and I don't know why this error is appearing:

"obj\Debug\ iDonde_v2.Android.dll; obj \Debug \iDonde_v2.Android.dll" is not a valid value for the "OutputAssembly" parameter of the "Csc" task. You can not lose multiple elements in a parameter of type "Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem"

I searched but I didn't find a solution

Michael Dodd
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    Did you try to clean and rebuild the solution ? – argoth Jun 07 '18 at 15:49
  • @Argoth yes I did it and nothing. Also I close and open again visual studio and nothing – Krever Jun 07 '18 at 15:52
  • Possible duplicate of [Xamarin Android Build Failed "Invalid value for outputAssembly"](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47770465/xamarin-android-build-failed-invalid-value-for-outputassembly) – argoth Jun 07 '18 at 15:54
  • I believe that the answer for this question can be found here -> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47770465/xamarin-android-build-failed-invalid-value-for-outputassembly – argoth Jun 07 '18 at 15:55

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