I am trying to upload a file to dropbox using rest calls but it is not uploading the actual file, it is uploading a zero byte file.

Please check the code and let me know if i am missing something.

var task = Task.Run((Func<Task<int>>)OrderExtractUsecase.DropBox);
int x = task.Result;

Dropbox task Code is:

static async Task<int> DropBox()
            Dropbox_Utility objDropBox = new Dropbox_Utility("<accessid>");
            foreach (string temp in fileList)
                await objDropBox.Upload("/Assist", temp);
            return 1;
        catch(Exception ex)
            return -1;

Upload task code is:

    public async Task<string> Upload(string folder, string filefullpath)
         string filename = string.Empty;
         string fileID = string.Empty;
            filename = Path.GetFileName(filefullpath);

            using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(filefullpath))
                using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                    var response = await dbx.Files.UploadAsync(folder + "/" + filename, WriteMode.Overwrite.Instance, body: memoryStream);
                    fileID = response.Id;
        catch (Exception ex) { throw; }
        finally { }
        return fileID;

1 Answers1


As awh112 mentioned, you need to reset the position of memoryStream. After the copyTo, the Position of memoryStream is the length of the file. For that reason, your code will upload a zero byte file. I've confirmed as much with the following:

var response = await dbx.Files.UploadAsync(folder + "/" + filename, WriteMode.Overwrite.Instance, body: memoryStream);
Console.WriteLine((response as FileMetadata).Size);

That prints: (in my case, my test file is just 12 bytes long)


You can rewind it like this:

memoryStream.Position = 0;
var response = await dbx.Files.UploadAsync(folder + "/" + filename, WriteMode.Overwrite.Instance, body: memoryStream);
Console.WriteLine((response as FileMetadata).Size);

That prints:


The resulting uploaded file then contains the expected contents.

  • 13,963
  • 2
  • 26
  • 42
  • @gerg It is still not uploading the file only now if i am using the secound peice of code – Jitesh Dammani Jun 18 '18 at 12:40
  • When i am using the above code, the below is the output i am getting, 2019880 0 2019880 @Gerg – Jitesh Dammani Jun 18 '18 at 12:43
  • @JiteshDammani How are you checking that? The output you shared indicates that the `memoryStream` did receive `2019880` bytes, and that the uploaded file, as evidenced by the `FileMetadata.Size` returned from the Dropbox, was also the full `2019880`. – Greg Jun 20 '18 at 18:09
  • By the way, unless you need the separate `MemoryStream` for some other reason, you should be able to forgo it entirely and just upload directly from the `FileStream`. – Greg Jun 20 '18 at 18:11