In service now I'm getting this error on the console for each request can anyone tell me what exactly the problem is and how can I get rid of this...

here is the error:

https://ven01234.service-now.com/api/now/sp/announcement 500 (Internal Server Error)

enter image description here

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3 Answers3


In order to get rid of this console error - go to Plugins at your SN instance and search for Service Portal Announcements plugin (ID - com.glide.service-portal.announcements). After you activate it - the console error is no longer being thrown.

enter image description here

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  • This does not the problem in my case. The plugin is activated and exactly as in the picture but still - the error comes again. :/ – Combine Nov 19 '20 at 13:45

The fix that worked for me is found on this link

Resolution There is an empty value on display style field for the announcement "ISC:Invalid Run As User".

Open the announcement "ISC:Invalid Run As User" which has a valid to date is either today or after.

The value for the display style filed is seems to be empty in the form but if you check in the xml it has a value of sys id "7f8fe758c31023002ff2554d81d3ae99" which does not exist.


Change this value and add a value from the search; Then save it; Then delete the value again; Save it again; With that you are removing the invalid reference for "<display_style/>" from the xml. Basically you assign a valid value to Display style field, save it, then remove it, save it and the invalid reference is gone. Do this for every "ISC:Invalid Run As User" from the list

Basically the steps to fix the error are these:

  1. In the service now (backend) - search for announcements - (Service Portal -> Announcements)
  2. Search "ISC:Invalid Run As User" in the column "Name"
  3. For every record with the name "ISC:Invalid Run As User" do the next step.

enter image description here

Note how there is a (i) button next to the empty "Display style" field - meaning there is some reference which in our case is invalid and should be deleted from the xml field - "display_style"

The value for the display style filed is seems to be empty in the form but if you check in the xml it has a value of sys id "7f8fe758c31023002ff2554d81d3ae99" which does not exist.

  1. Assign a valid value to "Display style" field (in my case 'Normal'), save it, then remove it, save it and the invalid reference is gone. Do this for every "ISC:Invalid Run As User" from the list in "Announcements"


This fixed the error for me.

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This error means that your page doesnt work correctly! when you go to this page do you see error?