After the release build I'd like to get mapping.txt file which could be done with Proguard. I have proguard.cfg (BuildAction is set to ProguardConfiguration) file added to the project with next content:

-keep class... 
-printmapping mapping.txt

Please advice what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

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2 Answers2


I have two suggestions

  1. Remove the -dontobfuscate from your configuration file, if proguard is not obfuscating anything then there won't be a mapping file.

  2. What I remember proguard look for proguard.conf file by default, if you are using some other names, you also need to tell proguard the file name( I could be wrong here)

Shailesh Chandra
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You'll not get a mapping.txt when building Xamarin Android apps, even if you try to force that with custom configuration.

From docs:

Obfuscation step – In native Android development, ProGuard renames classes and class members that are not entry points. Retaining entry points ensures that they can still be accessed by their original names. However, this step is not supported by Xamarin.Android because the app is compiled down to Intermediate Language (IL).


In fact, it is not possible to enable obfuscation through ProGuard (even through the use of custom configuration files)

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