I am able to embed a xterm into a Tkinter GUI Frame:

Frame2 = Frame(master)
Frame2.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
wid = Frame2.winfo_id()
os.system('xterm -into %d -hold -geometry 300x10 -sb &' % wid)

But this doesn't work:

Frame2 = Frame(master)
Frame2.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
wid = Frame2.winfo_id()
os.system('gnome-terminal' % wid)

TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

Can I embed a konsole or gnome-terminal at the frame in any way?

  • In `'gnome-terminal' % wid` there is no place for the `wid` value to be put in the string. You should probably have a `%d` in there somewhere. – fhdrsdg May 29 '18 at 10:33
  • If I do os.system('gnome-terminal -into %d -hold -geometry 300x10 -sb &' % wid) it syas unknown option -into (also --into). –  May 29 '18 at 11:38
  • This is not the solution. I don't find an equivalent to -into on xterm sentence. But well, what I did is to change the background, and now looks more like konsole, wich is the one I would like to insert on the frame. os.system('xterm -fg white -bg black -into %d -hold -geometry 300x10 -sb &' % wid) –  May 29 '18 at 11:55
  • I'm not saying I have a solution to your problem (because honestly I don't even understand what you want), I just told you where the TypeError you got came from. – fhdrsdg May 29 '18 at 12:28
  • Yes I tried several things. You are rigth with not %d it don't concatenates with the frame id, but problem is -into (neither --into) is recognized when you are not embedbing xterm but konsole or gnome-terminal. I am able to open both but only with xterm inside the frame. I find the way to open a gnome-terminal or konsole, but not inside the tkinter frame. Anyhow thank you for your answer. It clarifies a bit why I am not able. Any link to properties on os.system for gnome-terminal or konsole? I don't find anything at all related with this. –  May 29 '18 at 12:37
  • I have done xterm -help and that -into option is shown, but I don't see any equivalent to into for gnome-terminal or konsole with the help command –  May 29 '18 at 13:13
  • @fhdrsdg: Excuse my bad english. I was trying to say to use -into at a xterm was not the solution. Your %d appoint was useful because then the message "-into is not recognized as an option" appeared, I could find the options at help menu sugested, and finaly find I can edit style. I wonder if it is possible realy to embebd konsole or gt on python tkinter. –  May 29 '18 at 14:37

2 Answers2


Also urxvt and st (Suckless Simmple Terminal) have an option to embed the terminal window into another one.

I do this in Gtk, but keep in mind that with Wayland they are all removing the support to socket and plugs, that is this mechanism of embedding windows in other ones.

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I have not a lot of experience on Ubuntu, but after typing

  • xterm -help
  • konsole -help
  • gnome-terminal --help

I realized maybe xterm is the best terminal to embed on a tkinter frame, as I didn't know I could edit

/etc/X11/Xresources/x11-common (I am running kubuntu 18.04)

and change as much as I want the style of the terminal:

XTerm*faceName: Bitstream Vera Serif Mono
xterm*faceSize: 11
xterm*vt100*geometry: 80x60
xterm*saveLines: 16384
xterm*loginShell: true
xterm*charClass: 33:48,35:48,37:48,43:48,45-47:48,64:48,95:48,126:48
xterm*termName: xterm-color
xterm*eightBitInput: false

!BLK Cursor
#define _color0        #000d18
#define _color8        #000d18
!RED Tag
#define _color1        #e89393
#define _color9        #e89393
!GRN SpecialKey
#define _color2        #9ece13
#define _color10       #9ece13
!YEL Keyword
#define _color3        #f0dfaf
#define _color11       #f0dfaf
!BLU Number
#define _color4        #8cd0d3
#define _color12       #8cd0d3
!MAG Precondit
#define _color5        #c0bed1
#define _color13       #c0bed1
!CYN Float
#define _color6        #dfaf8f
#define _color14       #dfaf8f
!WHT Search
#define _color7        #efefef
#define _color15       #efefef
!FMT Include, StatusLine, ErrorMsg
#define _colorBD       #ffcfaf
#define _colorUL       #ccdc90
#define _colorIT       #80d4aa
!TXT Normal, Normal, Cursor
#define _foreground    #dcdccc
#define _background    #1f1f1f
#define _cursorColor   #8faf9f
URxvt*color0         : _color0
URxvt*color1         : _color1
URxvt*color2         : _color2
URxvt*color3         : _color3
URxvt*color4         : _color4
URxvt*color5         : _color5
URxvt*color6         : _color6
URxvt*color7         : _color7
URxvt*color8         : _color8
URxvt*color9         : _color9
URxvt*color10        : _color10
URxvt*color11        : _color11
URxvt*color12        : _color12
URxvt*color13        : _color13
URxvt*color14        : _color14
URxvt*color15        : _color15
URxvt*colorBD        : _colorBD
URxvt*colorIT        : _colorIT
URxvt*colorUL        : _colorUL
URxvt*foreground     : _foreground
URxvt*background     : _background
URxvt*cursorColor    : _cursorColor
XTerm*color0         : _color0
XTerm*color1         : _color1
XTerm*color2         : _color2
XTerm*color3         : _color3
XTerm*color4         : _color4
XTerm*color5         : _color5
XTerm*color6         : _color6
XTerm*color7         : _color7
XTerm*color8         : _color8
XTerm*color9         : _color9
XTerm*color10        : _color10
XTerm*color11        : _color11
XTerm*color12        : _color12
XTerm*color13        : _color13
XTerm*color14        : _color14
XTerm*color15        : _color15
XTerm*colorBD        : _colorBD
XTerm*colorIT        : _colorIT
XTerm*colorUL        : _colorUL
XTerm*foreground     : _foreground
XTerm*background     : _background
XTerm*cursorColor    : _cursorColor
  • The problem I see is every time I reboot my system I need to exeute xrdb -merge /etc/X11/Xresources/x11-common. I will need to execute a proccess with that command everytime my programm launches I think –  May 29 '18 at 14:52