Concerning the new ML Kit for Firebase, all the examples I have seen from Google is recognizing "machine" text, but I was wondering if it is possible to use the new ML Kit for Firebase to extract handwritten characters as well?

I think not, but I cannot find the information in the documentation or anywhere (and no I have not tried to actually use ML Kit yet).

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    Why the downvotes? – zaifrun May 22 '18 at 08:37
  • Not sure why :). I upvoted for FWIW. Btw, may I know what your use case is? – Pannag Sanketi May 22 '18 at 16:01
  • To recognize hand written notes with a mobile app – zaifrun May 22 '18 at 16:15
  • Not a downvoter, but I think the downvotes are because you haven't actually tried anything. – Rosário Pereira Fernandes May 22 '18 at 22:25
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    Well, maybe you are right. But I did try something: looking at the documentation and Google examples, which gave no clear conclusion. Yes, I did not implement anything. But I would have thought the point of asking a question is to save hours of implementation time of something that would not have worked anyway....but I guess some have another opinion on that:) – zaifrun May 23 '18 at 06:21

2 Answers2


Right now, ML Kit does not work for a generic handwritten text sample but only on handwritten text that is very well written and sparse. We are considering adding support for it in the upcoming releases.

Pannag Sanketi
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ML Kit just released a new API as "Digital Ink Recognition" which can recognize handwritten notes if it is written on a digital surface(stroke-based), check it out: https://developers.google.com/ml-kit/vision/digital-ink-recognition

Julie Zhou
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