I have got an Anaconda3 with Python 3.6 (Spyder) environments, trying to install tensorflow, however, can't utilize the standard pip installation due to company firewall.

Furthermore, I can't create an anaconda environment for the same reason. What I am trying to do is to install tensorflow directly from the whl file (which I have downloaded from the official website), using the following command:

C:\Users\me>pip install --no-deps tensorflow-1.8.0-cps36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl which leads to 'Requirement _ looks like a filename but the file does not exist' -> _ is not supported wheel on this platform.

When I try to run via: conda install --no-deps tensorflow-1.8.0-cps36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl

I get Solving environment: failed, CondaHTTPError: ... etc. - probably due to the same firewall reason.

Now, is there any way to install the .whl without encountering the firewall restrictions?

Thank you vm guys.

  • Just to be clear, is the full error message `'Requirement ___ looks like a filename but the file does not exist' -> ___ is not supported wheel on this platform`? I think it's been mangled slightly in your post because you didn't use a code block. – nekomatic May 18 '18 at 08:02

1 Answers1


I had some success with this in my company (which also doesn't allow internet access by Anaconda package manager)

I found this site: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/

where you can download wheel files for a number of python packages. You can then use PIP to install the wheel packages locally .

pip install some-package.whl

as detailed in this answer

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